Chapter 1

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~(a/n) Hello lovelies~ I had fun writing this and I hope you enjoy<3~ *trigger warning for domestic abuse*

"Bullshit!" My father yelled while throwing his half empty burbon glass across the room. I watch as the glass hit the hardwood floor in front of me and the amber liquid spread under my bare feet.

"Like I told you all ready, I never was on that side of town. I was with Mina the whole time. We were uptown, not any where near the downtown area." I lied, but he always belives my lies. I started to walk towards my room, done with this useless conversation. Useless. Just like my father. As soon as I took my thrid step away, he grabbed the back of my t-shirt and pulled me down onto the floor.

"What makes you think that i should believe that you weren't the one who was with that punk downtown." he snarled.

I punched him in the balls and then right before he fell on top of me I rolled to the side so that he would face-plant on the floor. Then I grit my teeth and said,

"I don't, besides, you're the only one who's stuipd enough to think otherwise." After that I bolted for my room and locked the door behind me. Just for measures, I put my deskchair up againgst the doornob aswell. Oh my god I'm so stuipd!! I shouldn't have done that! Im going to get my ass beat for that when he either wakes up or relizes where I am. Crap I need to get out of here.

I grabbed my phone and called up Mina. She is the only person who would be able to understand right now and she's also my best friend.


"Oh my god Mina, I just punched my dad in the nuts and I think he's unconscious since I dont hear him banging on my door- But would it be ok if i came over, like right now?"

"Holy shit! Of course you can! My parents won't be back til tommorrow night anyway."

"Thank you so much you are a life sav-"

I was cut off by the sound of glass shattering.

"Fuck my dad. I gotta go text you when Im there byeeee"

I hung up before she could say anything because I didnt want my dad to hear. I can hear him cursing and yelling downstairs. I quickly grab my backpack, my school uniform, and some toiletries before putting on my shoes, opening my window and jumping out onto the grass.

"Fuck" I almost fell over when I landed but I quickly recovered and started running for Mina's house. I knew how to get there because I've done this before. This isn't the first time my dad has gone on a rage.

I was quickly nearing my destination when I saw Kastuki. He was sitting on a bench in a little grassy park area. He noticed me running and our eyes met. I slowed down to talk and I thought I was far enough away that it was safe.

"Hey Katsuki." I greeted

"What the hell do you want?" he said with an annoyed tone. You were the only person he would allow to call him by his first name. You've always woundered why but everytime you asked he would just yell and say that it was none of your business. Sometimes he can be such a jerk.

"I just wanted to see what you were up too, since you're sitting on a park bench, in the evening, on a tuesday, alone, a-"

"Ok I get it, god. It's none of your damn business though, so fuck off before I explode you to pieces." he just looked at the ground with an angry expression.

"Jeez, fine, I'll go." God, he's such an ass. I started to walk but as soon as I did, I heard him mumble,

"I'm so fucking dumb, she's walking away now."

I couldn't think of anything to respond with so I kept walking and then eventually started to run. I was almost to Mina's house but I couldn't stop thinking about Katsuki and what he said.

What did he mean by that? Did he want me to stay? No no, of course he wouldn't, who would ever like me like that. I'm such an idiot. I finally made it. I walked up the porch steps and went up to the door and texted Mina and rang the doorbell. The door flew open and the pink female ran into me with a hug.

"Omgareyouokareyouhurtwhathapped?!" I could tell she was freaking out. By the way I hung up the phone she was probably worried.

"Yes, yes, and I'll tell you everything once you get off me and we get inside." I said in a calmimg tone and patted her head.

"Oh, right." She let loosned her grip around my shoulders, then grabbed my backpack and held the door open for me.

"What did I do to desereve such a great best friend?" I told her as I went inside and I took off my shoes.

We walked down the hall and into the kitchen where I could tell her everything. I pushed myself up onto the counter and watched as she opened the tea cupboard.

"Vanilla chai, Green, Or Black?" she asked still looking throught the cupboard.

"Vanilla chai, duh." I teased. We always have it everytime I come over, its kind of a tradition.

( If you dont like that kind of tea -or tea at all- then imagine your favortie)

"Don't worry, I was just testing you." She placed the box on the counter beside me and started to boil some water on the stove.

"Soooo, what happened? she questioned.

"It was awful. My dad saw me and Katsuki down at the diner near school today and when he got home completely flipped out on me." I responded

"Wait, hold up. One, why were you with Bakugo? Two, does your dad still hate him?" she asked with a confused face.

"Well wasn't with him I was grabbing some fries before I went home and he was there too, so we were talking. And yes, my dad still hates him. A lot." I explained

"Damn. For a second I thought he finally asked you out." I could tell she was trying to hold down a snicker. I jumped off the couter and started to tickle her.

"YOU ASSHOLE!! YOU KNOW I HATE IT WHEN YOU DO THAT!" I yelled and continued to tickle her.

"ALRIGHT! ALRIGHT! I GET IT!" she screamed from the tickling. I stopped and she got up off the floor. The teapot started to make a highpitched whitsle noise, Mina turned off the heat and got two mugs and started to pour the hot water into them. I grabbed the tea bags and placed one in each mug.

"But, seriously. Do you have feelings for Bakugo?" Mina asked as she took a sip of her tea.

"I-I don't... I don't know.."


hah, imagine being gay for mina


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