Chapter 6

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Me and Katsuki have been dating for two weeks now, and we still haven't told anyone in class 1-A yet. I told Katsuki to try to keep the PDA, when were at school, to a minimum, which he didn't like, but agreed after I promised him that I would stay at his house when I was supposed to be at my dad's.

"Hey Y/n!" I heard a familar voice call out.

"Hello Kirishima!" I cheerfully said. He ran up to walk with me to school.

"Where's Bakugo? Isn't he usually with you?" He looked around to try to see if the ash blonde was close by.

"No he isn't with me. He told me not to wait for me at the train station because he had a suprise." I responded and gave Kirishima a big smile.

"Well someone's excited I see." Kirishima chuckled. I noded my head in response.

"By the way are you two dating?"The redhead asked. My face turned as read as his hair.

"W-what?! N-no of c-course we aren't!" I was too embarassed too think.

"Ya right, it's kinda obvious now that he follows you around all the time and that you show up to school together, and leave together." He looked at me with suspition is his eyes.

"Ugh fine, you caught me."

"Wait really?! I was totally guessing."

"Ya we're dating." I looked down to try to avoid looking as embarassed as possible.

"HEY Y/N-CHAN!" I Looked up to see Mina Waving her arm in the air. "COME OVER HERE! I HAVE SOMETHING TO TELL YOU!"The pink female continued waving.

"I'll talk to you later Kiri!" I yelled as I ran over to Mina.

"What is it that you need to tell me?" I asked Mina once I got to her.

"Bakugo wants you to meet him on training ground beta after school because he won't be here today." She said while hugging me.

"Alright, thanks!" We walked inside together, but I felt sad that I wouldn't see Katsuki until after school. I know we've only been dating for two weeks but I'm already kinda attatched to him.


The day was longer than expected. It felt like forever waiting for the end of the day when I could see Katsuki. Aizawa FINNALLY dismissed us and I bolted out of class and down to trainging ground beta.

When I got to the training ground I saw that there was I small black box with f/c ribbons on it. I reatched down and picked up the box. When I opened it there was a note and a small tear drop charm. The note read, 'Remember the first time I held you in my arms, where your eyes were filled with the same things as this charm. Go there and you will find, something for your journey and will give peace of mind.' That doesn't sound like bakugo at all but whatever he probably forced Midoriya to do it.

I knew where the place was. I walk down to the street where he confessed to me and I found another black box with the same ribbons. Indside the there was a fire charm and another note. This one said, 'The time we first touched lips, when our hearts aligned like an eclipse. Go to the place where we burn with a firey passion, but go there fast because this game is far from done.' Wow Katsuki, so manly. I mean it's sweet, but its deffinetly cheesey.

I knew the place was his house but when I got there I didn't see a another box. I walk up the steps and open the door, which was unlocked. There, on the floor was the box. I opened it and found a wind charm with the note. Ok now I see where he's going with this. This note said, ' Go up the stairs to where lay together in slumber, to find what you've been looking for....' Ok this one didn't rhyme but at least it was as cheesey as the las two.

I walked up the stairs into the bedroom, but I didn't see him. As I was about to turn around a pair of strong arms, holding a another one of the black boxes, wrapped around my waist. I turned my head around to look in Katsuki's eyes. "Hello Katsuki."

"Hey dumbass."He spun me around and kissed me softly. Oh god, how I missed him. He pulled away and handed me the box. I opened it quickly, curious to see what was inside. I found a silver bracelet with a crystal gem charm.

"I get it now." I said while adimiring the bracelet.

"You get what?" He looked confused.

"The charms. There all the different elements. It's a reflection of my quirk." I said smiling at my boyfriend.

"Damn it. I was suposed to tell you that. Why do you have to be so smart." he ruffled my hair a bit and pulled me over to the bed.

"Here let me put the charms on." I handed him the three other charms and he delicately placed each one on the chain of the bracelet. Then he took my hand and clipped the bracelet around my wrist.

"Thank you!" I kissed him quickly then gave him a tight hug.

"You're welcome dumbass." he wispered. "You know I do this because... because I love you." He pulled out of the hug and looked into my eyes, waiting for a response. I paused not knowing what to say.

"Oh god, I said it too early didn't I. Damnit im so stuipd." he just stared down at his lap

"No, you're the smarest person I know," I straddled him and wispered in his in his ear," because I love you too." His face was suddenly bright red. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders.

"If you make dinner I'll let you kiss me again." I said with a smirk leaning closer to his face. "Hell yes." With that he pulled me on top of him and put his lips on mine.


I had just got out of the shower while Katsuki was making dinner. I could smell the ramen from upstairs. I love it when he cooks. I put on my clothes and the new charm bracelet. I was putting socks on when I heard Katsuki yell,

"Y/N! FOOD!" he was shouting up the stairs. I raced downstairs at thought of his delicious cooking.

"Oh my fucking god it smells so good." My mouth was watering. There were two bowls of steaming ramen on the kitchen table.

"Of course it does I'm the one who made it." Katsuki smirked

I sat down at the table with him. "I missed you at school today. Where were you?" I asked before stuffing my mouth with noodles.

"I had a doctors apointment that was in the morning, but I wanted to make it more of a suprise by not coming to school at all." He said while also begining to eat.

"Well it worked." I looked up from my bowl at Katsuki. He glanced up at me for second but then looked away and slightly smiled down at his bowl.

"Dumbass, you make me so soft." Lifting his head back up

"That's the best part."


Ok i ship it bakugo x reader-chan. Yes, I updated more than three times today deal with it.


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