Chapter 16

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Hallo fellow humans, aliens, and toasters, I have to tell you that this is going to be one of the last chapters with any of the dark depression stoof. It's not going to be happy times from here on out (cuz that's not how depression works) but the sad thoughts and painic attacks will slow down from here. I just wanted to make the story a little less sad and invite I new kind of drama in the next few chapters. thank you for reading this PSA, you may continue the story.

(trigger warning for self harm, depression)

I spent the next couple of weeks trying to get closer to Katsuki, even though I was breaking inside. I still couldn't get the memories of the night of the party and of my dad. I still had been staying at Katsuki's when I was supposed to be at my father's house. Nothing had happened with my father so I assumed that he just didn't care or he ODed on crack or something. I honestly didn't care what he was doing. The only thing I worried about was if he was looking for me or if he was looking for Katsuki. I was having terrible flashbacks all the time and the worst nightmares at night. I was barely sleeping or eating. Cutting myself had become an option again and I took it. I was failing most of my classes and I didn't care when Aizawa told me to keep up or I would flunk out of UA. The thing that made this the worst, Katsuki had no idea about any of it.

I ran into my bathroom searching through drawers,

"Where the fuck is that knife..." I had just been in the same situation of pretending to be happy in front of Katsuki, and I needed something to make me not feel as bad for lying to him.

"Are you looking for this?" I turned around to see Katsuki in the doorway holding out my pocket knife, the one I was looking for. I immediately put on my fake smile.

"Oh, uh, yeah I was," I walked towards him and tried to take it out of his hand but he only held it higher. "Could you please give it back?"

"No I won't, because I know what your doing y/n." he said as exploed the knife in his hand with his quirk. My face went back to it's normal sad face. "You need help."

"No I'm f-fine." I pushed past him into my room. "I-I AM FINE." I ran out the door using my quirk to go faster than normal. I went all the way to the roof. I walked up to the edge and used my quirk to make the spot of concrete I'm standing on, a lot higher. He'll be fine without me. He won't need me anymore. I will be gone and he won't have to worry. I took a deep breath, preparing myself for death.

"Y/N!" I looked down to see Katsuki standing on the roof next to the pilar of concrete I was standing upon.

"You don't need me. Nobody does. I don't belong in your world. You will be so much better off without me!" I shouted down to him.

"No, I love you!" He shouted back.

Bakugo's POV

"You only love this perfect relationship! You don't love me, you love the thought of me!" She shouted. I could hear the cracks in her voice and the tears in her eyes. I used tiny explosions to boost myself up to her. She tried to jump but I grabbed her arm.

"I don't think that our realtionship is perfect but it's not broken either. I'm happy and I feel loved, I don't ever want to leave you, because I'm afraid that I won't be able to feel anything but pain. People say that nothing from highschool lasts forever, I really hope that isn't true, because the only thing I want to do is spend my life with you. I'm not asking you to prove your worth to me, I don't want to ask anything of you. The one thing I will ever ask will be on the day I propose to you. Even though that day isn't today, I want you to know, nothing you say or do could ever make me leave you. I love you more than life, and anything or anyone who doubts that can go to hell. You mean everything to me. So please, don't do this. I don't want to guilt trip you to stop by saying I'll be devistated when your gone, but it's true. WIthout you I could never even imagine what I'd do. You are the reason I want to be the number one hero. Maybe a long time ago it was my ego, but now, I just want to keep you safe from all the bastards who try to hurt you. So stay with me."

I saw the tears in her eyes start to flow down her cheeks. She slowly sunk to the ground and I sat down next to her. We sat for a few minutes before she finnally looked at me, with tears still pouring.

"Forever." She barely got it out before bursting into full on sobbing. I just held her in my arms never letting go until she had finnally fell asleep from the mental breakdown. She's not perfect, she is not broken, she is herself and that's all I could ever want.

I called Kirishima and had him get a ladder so I could get y/n down. I took her into my room and laid her down in my bed. I sat down in my desk chair and watched her sleep. I couldn't think of anything but how could I not notice what was going on. I had been trying so hard to be strong that I didn't see how weak she felt. I could feel the tears comming. I guess it was my turn to cry today. I sat in the chair and cried. It was the only thing I felt like I could do. I felt, stuck, and for some reason I didnt feel angry, just sad. I cried myself to sleep that night, and I will never forget how she looked at me when she was crying and wanting so badly to just jump of into the bliss of death.

I will never forget the night I saved her. I will never forget how much we've been through, and how much I love her.


AH im sorryeeee. I know it was shorter and unless y'all like the sad shit there won't be much more of it.

I started a new book. It's about my oc and todoroki and if you're interested please check it out. It's called Her Song.

K Luv u byeeee


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