Chapter 10

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I looked up at Katsuki, tears rolling down his face and on to mine, as he held me while he ran. There was the smell of smoke in the air and I could hear screams and yelling around us. The sky was dark and sprinkled with stars.

"Katsuki, where are we going?" My voice was dry and cracked.

"Far away." He kept looking forward. There was a big crashing boom behind us. I just held on to him, in fear of what was coming after us. I didn't hold very tightly, my arms felt so weak. Suddenly, Katsuki stopped running.

"There's nowhere to run." I heard a deep voice say behind us.

"y/n, I need you to trust me." he wispered.

"Why, what's happening?" I was shaking now, fear taking over me.

"Shhh, It's going to fine." He placed me down next to a tree, with my back against it. He kissed me softly and walked away towards a man with dark scars and black hair. I could see everything properly now.

There were blue flames everywhere.

"You'll never take her, you bastard." I watched as Katsuki sprinted toward the man with his fist, preparing for a punch. The black haired male stepped slightly to the side and caught the punch in his hand. He flipped Katsuki on to the ground.

I need to help him but I can't move my body.

"Well if we can't have her, then we'll take you then."

No They can't take him away from me.

I used my quirk to surround my body in water, and controled the liquid to move my body.

"You will never... take him away from me, he promised." I walked over to the man, but my limbs felt as heavy as a rock, and I was still shaking in fear. My quirk was the only thing moving my body, but I could feel myself getting weaker by the second.

"Look at that, the princess is awake." He leaned down to Katsuki. "Maybe we'll just take both of you. How would you feel about that?"  He pressed his foot into Katsuki's spine.

"No! Y/n, RUN!" But before I could react, the man snapped his fingers. I felt a dark cold feeling slowly surround me. But I kept walking to Katsuki.

As the darkness comepletely filled the area around me, I dropped down to where the blonde was trapped. I lay my body down next to his as I let go of the water holding me up. I used as much strength as I could muster and grabbed on to Katsuki in fear of him disappearing.

"I'm so sorry." I shut my eyes tight and clutched his shirt in my fists. I didn't have the strength to hold on but I didn't want to let go. If I ever lost him, I don't know if I could live without him.

The darkness disapeared and I opened my eyes. We had teleported to a room that apears to be a bar.

"Oh, there you are Dabi," It was Shigaraki, He was talking to the man holding Katsuki down. "I see you've brought more than one."

"Yes, I've got the princess, and her little boyfriend." Dabi grabbed my hair and lifted my head up. "Isn't she a pretty one?" I heard the blonde male growl at his comment.

"Dabi, no need to be so rough." Shigaraki walked over to me. "You won't cause any trouble, beacause you want to keep him alive, right?" He tilted his head towards Katsuki. I nodded, mostly just for his safety. "Great, then Dabi, tie them up." The scarred male got up off of Katsuki, to bring over two chairs. The blonde sat up and hugged me, but before he could say anything, Dabi came and pulled us apart. He picked me up over his shoulder and I wanted to scream and kick, but I knew if I did, then Katsuki would be hurt. Dabi sat me down in a chair across the room. I couldn't do anything but look at Katsuki, who was now being put in the other chair, about eight feet in front of me.

"I know why you brought Katsuki, but why am I here?" I was so drained that I sounded emotionless, almost like a robot.

"Well you see, princess, you're strong, and you can't control your emotions. So we want you to join us."  Dabi sat down on one of the barstools with his elbows on the counter.

"Hah, like she'd ever do that." Katsuki smirked. I could tell he was just trying to hide his fear. It filled is eyes like fire.

"You'd be suprised." I heard dabi mumble.

"Well I mean I would love to join you, but I'll have to check with Katsuki first." I looked Shigaraki right in the eyes and then turned my head across the room. "Katsuki dear, will you allow me to join the league of villians?" I smiled while saying this to him, to show he needed to trust me.

"Why of course not, sweetheart." He played along with my joke.

"Sorry Shigaraki, he said no. I'm afraid I can not be apart of the league of villians." I glared at the gray-ish man, with a devilish smile. Thank god I've been practicing my fake smile for years. He looked slightly shocked, but then turned towards Dabi," Follow me I need to have a talk with you." The two of them left the room and now we were alone.

"What the hell happened after truth or dare." I looked at Katsuki, no longer was there a smile on my face.

"You went into a sort of coma. At least that's what the teachers said. Aizawa was hella mad for what you did, but he couldn't do anything about it. The league attacked a few days later, which was today, and I couldn't leave you. I took you with me as we were fighting, but I got separated and cornered by Dabi, and well, you know the rest."

"What about Momo and Tsu?" I remembered how I hurt them. I remembered how my emotions got the better of me.

"frog girl was severly burned from the fire, but was fine after a couple of days. And Momo had just passed out from being drowned and was fine the next day. Those bitches still had no right to touch you." He looked more angry now.

"Wait who told you about that?

"Mina told me everyth-" He was cut off by the door to the room slamming open. There was a blonde girl, who looked about our age, walking in with Shigaraki and Dabi. She skipped into the room and over to where I was tied up.

"Hi there! My names Toga! I hope we can be best friends!" A creepy smile on her face and her school uniform made her look like an insane yandere girl. I gave her a disgusted look and turned my head away from her.

"I don't like this one, she's mean." The girl pouted.

"Deal with it, brat." I snarrled. Katsuki looked proud of what I said. As if he thought, Heh I taught her that.

"Daaaaaabiiiiiii! Fix it." She pointed to me like I was a pile of garbage. Well she's not wrong.

"How bout you shut the fuck up you little bitch, because no one gives a shit." I was pissed. Out of all the personality types she had to be the one I hate the most.

Dabi walked over and slapped my face.

"You think that's gonna teach me a lesson. Pain like that doesn't bother me. My face can handle more than a lousy slap." I looked up at him with a smile. 

"Ok then. How about this?" He went over to Katsuki and hit him across the face. "Does that bother you?"

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