Chapter 13

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Katsuki and I walked to school together today. I was feeling happier than usual today, which was weird, but I didn't mind it. Katsuki probably noticed, but he didn't say anything while we were walking. We got to school and headed into class. I saw Mina and went over to talk to her.

"Hey Mina, wassup." She turned around, her face filled with misery.

"Oh, hey, y/n." she pushed past me. What's going on? I turned around to see Katsuki with the same look on his face. He pulled me to our seats, still not saying a word.

"Is something happening?" I looked at Katsuki who didn't look me in the eye.

"No everything's fine." He sat down and class started.


Today was very weird. Katsuki and Mina were both acting so strange. I was still very confused by the end of today. Neither of them were talking to me very much and when I asked them about it they would just say 'everything's fine.' I had to go home with Katsuki today, so as we were leaving I stopped him.

"What's going on? You haven't talked to me about anything all day, same with Mina. And do not tell me that everything is fine." I was seriously concerned at this point and I didn't want to be in the dark any longer. I heard Katsuki sigh and he turned around to face me.

"Do you still love me?" He grabbed my hands and tilted his head down. "Because I don't want to trap you in a situation where you're not happy."

"What the hell are you taking about? Of course I still love you. Fuck, I even love you more than when we first started dating." I hugged him tightly. "Why are you asking though?"

"Mina told me something, and well... the thought came to mind." I looked up at him and rasied and eyebrow.

"What did she tell you?" He averted his gaze away from my face. "Katsuki, what did she tell you?" I got more serious, and more worried.

"She.... she told me that... you and her..." he still didn't look at me.

"That me and her what?" I forced his look at me with my hand.

"That... you and her did... something." I raised my eyebrow for a second time. I knew what he meant.

"Okay, why would you believe that I liked Mina?" I was kind of suprised that she'd do something like that.

"Well its not my fucking fault that you two are best friends!" He was pouting now and it was kind of cute.

"Look, I would never like anyone other than you. Boy, girl, or any other gender." I rested my head on his chest. I just don't understand why Mina would say that.

"C'mon, lets go home. I've had enough for one day." I dragged Katsuki along and hoped we didn't have to do that much homework. I am done with the world today.


The teachers had decied to have the students live in dorms after all the recent villan attacks. I had my mom be the one to sign the form, since I still wasn't going to my dad's house.

We had just begun to move into our rooms, (which were suprisingly really nice) when Mina had walked into my room.

"Hey, y/n?" she knocked on my already open door.

"What hell do you want?" I was still pissed at her for what she said to Katsuki.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I wasn't being nice, and I hope we can still be friends, but I totally understand if you don't want to be." she bowed a little bit. I kinda felt bad, but I wasn't ready to accept her appology just yet.

"Thank you for appologizing, but I still need sometime before I want to be friends again." I put my hand on her shoulder.

"Okay, I guess I'll see you later." She waved and left the room. I got back to unpacking and finished not long after that. I flopped down on my bed from exhaustion. My room was mostly clean and also there was a lot of blue. The only reason why it's everywhere is because it has helped over the years to calm me down. It's like how some people use like meditation, well I use the color blue. My shelves were also filled with my anime crap and my marvel shit, which I loved dearly. (i dont have a problem, you do)I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard another knock on the door. But when I looked up he was already in the room, walking towards me.

"Hey, Katsuki." I sighed, and he sat down on my bed with me.

"Is there something bothering you? You sound sad." He put his hand on my thigh and looked into my eyes.

"No, I was just talking with Mina earlier, but I'm also just tired." I leaned my head on his shoulder.

"Well, anyways, I made you something." He stood up from the bed. I shot up with him.

"Wait really!? What is it?!" I was shifting my weight from side to side.

"Just follow me, dumbass." He took my hand in his and brought me towards what I assumed was his room. He opened the door a crack.

"Wait here." he went inside quickly and shut the door behind him.

"Come in now." He shouted from inside the room. I open the door and walked in. To my suprise, there was a blanket on the floor, and laid on top were bowls of udon, a small cake, a bunch of avengers movies, and of course, the beautiful Bakugo Katsuki. I stood in the door way, my excitement building.

"So, do you like it or not." The blonde slightly glared. I leaned back on the door so it would close, and sqealed, jumping up and down. I rushed over to Katsuki and threw my arms around him.

"I love it, I love it, I love it, I love it!" I said all in one breath. I removed my arms and sat normally next to Katsuki on the blanket.

"I'm glad you like it dumbass. It took a while so you better apreciate it." He huffed picking up his bowl of udon. "Pick which movie we watch first." He nodded toward the pile.

"Okaaaaay," I looked through the stack and found one I liked. "Perfect, we're gonna watch Captain America: Civil War, because it's one of my favorites, and Tom Holland."

"Weirdo. You should be glad I don't hate Marvel. But Hulk is obvioulsy better." he said putting an arm aruond me as I started the movie. I gasped and slapped his chest a little bit.

"How dare you! Thor and spiderman are wayyyyy better. Thor is literally imortal, Spiderman is smart, funny, cute and strong as fuck, and Hulk is just angry, loud and dosen't contribute to the avengers very much." I was slightly ranting but I didn't care. (i hope im not the only one who thinks this)

"Tch, whatever, brat." His reaction was exactly what I wanted, because it mean't I won. Well duh, I always win.

Well now you know that not only am I an anime weeb but I'm a marvel nerd too.


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