Chapter 4

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i apologize if i didn't write katsuki to be as angry as he is canonically, i just don't like being yelled at, cuz trauma

"Honestly, I wish you had told me sooner." Katsuki
said with a straight face looking into his drink.

"Huh?" I was confused that he didn't say anything rude.

"I had no fucking idea that happened to you. I wish you had told me earlier so I could beat up those shitrags for hurting my friend." He growled when he talked. I started to smlie.

"What's with that smile?" The ash blonde stared at me with a confused expression.

"You called me... your friend." I looked up into his eyes. "So tell me Katsuki, when did I become your friend? I thought you only liked Kiri, or tolerated him at the least." I saw that a slight pink tint had crept over cheeks. It wasn't that noticable but it was deffinetly there.

"N-none of your business, dumbass." He was trying to not make direct eye contact with me.

"Well, I'm pretty sure it is. I am the one who is your friend after all." I was teasing him in hopes that he would give in.

"Well, I don't hate you all the time so I guess that's why." He was still trying not look at me so I leaned forward, put my hand on his chin and turned his head so he would look at me.

"Really? Cuz that doesn't seem like the only reason." I quieted my voice to sound more serious. His face looked suprised but also kinda cute.

"Damn." he said still looking at me. I started to blush bright red and I let go of his face.

"Shit. Fuck, I didn't mean to say that out loud." He started to blush too.

"It okay, I don't mind." I could feel my face burning from realizing what I had said.

"sHIT. SCHOOL!" Katsuki was looking at his phone. Oh god, I forgot about the time.

"C'mon dumbass," He grabbed my hand, pulling me up from my chair."Lets go."


We ran all the way to school and arived 5 minutes before the bell. I didn't realize that Katsuki hadn't let go of my hand the whole way over. As we walked down the hall, Mina walked up behind me and wispered, "So, I see it went well." Katsuki noticed Mina behind me and shot her a death glare. The girl quickly handed me my clothes and I rushed off to change before the bell rang.

When I returned to the classroom Katsuki was waiting outside. He immediately took my hand and yanked me into class. There were only a few people there but they all stared.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU FUCKERS LOOKING AT!!" Katsuki yelled at all of them, before grabbing my hand again and pulled me closer so he could say something only I would hear.

"I won't let anyone hurt you anymore. You don't have to go through any more shit." He pulled me to our desks and never let go of my hand.

The rest of class was pretty normal, except for Katsuki. After classes were over I went over to talk to Mina and Kirishima.

"Hi guys, what's up?" They went silent.

"Oh, nothing! We weren't talking about anything!" Kirishima said with a guilty face.

"God Kiri, It's about her so we can tell her." Mina responded, smacking him on the head.

"What were you talking about then?" I asked the two of them.

"You and your new boyfriend." Mina said bluntly.

"Who are you talki- oH GOD KATSUKI! We're not dating I swear!!" I was freaking out and blushing like crazy.

"Then why the hell were you two holding hands?" Mina looked me right in the eyes along with Kirishima.

"Uhhhhhh... he grabbed my hand first?" I was trying to sound convincing but my sentence sounded more like a question.

"Yeah right. If he was holding your hand then he must be iN lOvE with you." Mina teased.

"Fuck off Ashido, You don't know shit." Spoke a familar growl. I felt a hand around my waist and looked up to see Katsuki staring down Mina.

"Okay, jeez, sorry." She apologized and walked away with Kirishima.

"Hey, Dumbass. What are you doing later?" The ash blonde asked me.

"Um, nothing really. I just have some homework, that's it." I was remembering it's Wednesday and I'm not at my mom's untill tommorrow night so I'd honestly rather be anywhere than at home with Dad.

"Then we're going to my house." He pulled me down the sidewalk towards his house with his arm still gripping me tightly.

"Are you okay with that?" I asked not sure if he was being serious.

"Of course dumbass. I can tell you probably don't want to be home so that's why you're coming with me." He said tightining his hold around my waist.



"Why are you being so nice to me?" I looked up into his crimson eyes to see him staring back.

"Because." He looked away from my eyes and down at the ground.

"Because why?" I asked again. He didn't answer.

"Kaaaaaaaaaaatsukiiiiiiiiiiiiiii." He still didn't respond and I was getting impatient.

"Katsuki. Katsuki. Katsuki. Katsuki. Katsuki. Katsuki. Kats-"

"Because I like you goddamn it!" He blurted out. 

"W-wait really? You like me?" I was bright red and comepletely suprised.

"YEAH DUMBASS. I... I like you." He also turned a bright shade of pink and stared into my eyes. I loved being able to look into his eyes. They were so beautiful. I guess I never really noticed how much I liked them untill now. I never really wanted to like Katsuki because I was scared that he would reject me harshly. Now, I don't really know why, but I don't really care anymore.

"I like you too." I wispered. Before he could respond I turned my body and hugged him, I buried my face into his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and placed his chin on my head. My eyes started to water and then tears were flowing down my face. I didn't feel sad but I was crying anyway. I didn't care at this point. All I wanted was for him to hold me.

He let me cry until there weren't any tears left in my body. I finnally looked up. I put my hand to my head. Ow. I guess all that crying gave me a headache.

"How 'bout we go to my house and we'll get you something to drink there." He grabbed my hand and we started to walk. I leaned my head against his shoulder. "Okay."

I love this so freaking much. As you can tell I have serious anime issues and Im proud as HECK.


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