Chapter 11

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Katsuki looked suprised. He didn't suspect that he'd be the one to get slapped. My heart ached. Almost as if I could feel his pain. I could feel the anger burn through me.

I feel so week! How am I supposed to do nothing! But if I try to do anything, they'll just hurt Katsuki more. Ugh I hate this! All I can do now is not give them the satisfaction of seeing my pain. So I'll hide it all deep inside me, just like I've always done, but this time it'll be for him. For Katsuki. I never want him to suffer like I have.

Bakugo's POV

Thank god I have a high pain tolorence or y/n would've gone off on Dabi. I watched as the anger slowly disapeared from her face and she looked up at him with a smile. I looked back up at Dabi who's confident smirk soon turned into a scowl. Was he really that put down because she didn't give a fucking reaction. What a jerk. It's still bad that she keeps pushing down her damn feelings, even if she's trying to protect me.

"What is wrong with you? Don't you care? I just hit him. Do you not care if he gets hurt?" Dabi's teeth were gritted. He then punched me in the stomach and hit me on the head. I saw y/n flinch a little. Damn, what's this psyco's issuse? Doesn't he notice. If he would look her in the fucking eyes he'd see all the pain in them. I'm the shitty one for not doing anything.

"You fucking idiot." I lifted my head to stare him into his eyes. That's when I realized. His eyes. They were the same as the ones as that bastard half and half's left eye. Are they.... related?

"What did you call me?" He stared right back.

"I called you an idiot, because you're stuipd enough to not see what she's fucking doing. For a damn Todoroki you sure are dumb." I was going out on a limb, but I could tell it was working when I saw his expression soften for a second.

"If you're telling me I can't do my job then watch youself. And where'd you get the idea that I'm realted to such a broken family?" He seemed to snap out of whatever he remembered when I mentioned the name. But I found I loophole.

"Well, for one, you just backed up my theory by saying that they're broken. How would you know that? And secondly, your eyes. They remind me of the left side of a certian someone." I smirked.

"Wait you don't mean Shoto, do you?" I looked over to y/n who's eyes were big with curiosity.

"Why don't you tell her, To-do-ro-ki." I should really stop pushing him, but this was too much fun. But, Dabi turned and just walked away. He didn't respond nor look in my direction.

"I'm done with them. Do what you want, Shigaraki." And with that, Dabi left the room. That coward. Can't even face his feelings. Although I had completely forgot about Shigaraki, was he seriously just watching the whole time? Then I heard someone giggle behind me.

"Wow you really made Dabi sad! He'll be back soon though." Ugh it's that brat with the dumb uniform.

"Hey, Shigarakiii~" she skipped over to the villain."Can I have a turn with them? Pleeeeassee?" She was bent slightly over at her hips, with her hands on her cheeks. God she's a bitch.

"Sure why not, it'll be fun to watch." Shigaraki just sat on his chair watching intently.

"Alright then let's have some fun, kay?" She went over to y/n and pulled out a knife. The little yandere bitch dragged the knife down the side of my girlfriend's cheek, but y/n's face didn't change. Her expression stayed the same. As if she didn't feel the pain of the knife.

"You see, Toga. Physical pain isn't something that effects me. I don't care if you cut my body to pieces. I like the pain." The h/c haired girl turned her head into the knife. making the cut deeper. I don't know why, but I felt my heart sink at the sight of the knife dig into her skin.

I can't belive that she has felt this way. I'm such an idiot for not realizing it sooner. Everything she puts herself through. Pushing herself more than she needs to. I've always wanted to stop her pain. But all I needed to do was to make it easier for her. To help her, to keep her from pushing herself so far, to the point of breaking. Why does she make me feel like I need to protect her? Why do I always cry when she's hurting? Why am I crying now? I noticed my tears flowing down my cheeks.

"Stop. Just STOP!" my voice was shaking and I was practically trembling.

"Katsuki, look at me." I lifted my head to meet the eyes of the woman I love. "I am fine. It's going to be fine. Everything is going to be, ok."  I noticed that she sounded calm and caucious, not simpathetic. Something is going on and she's telling me to stay calm. I stopped crying. I hope what she's saying is true.

Y/n's POV

Since our hands were tied behind our backs I was able to grab my phone out of my back pocket of my shorts. Thankfully it was still in there after the past couple of days. I pressed down on the power button seven times to send out an SOS. Hopefully it reached someone and they alerted the Heroes. I sent it while Dabi was focused on Katsuki, so it's been I few minutes. It'll all be over soon.

"Well, aren't you two cute!" Toga looked between the two of us

"Shut up you lil bitch." Katsuki seemed to back to his normal self.

"Hey tha-" The wall on my right suddenly crashed open. Midoriya stood at the opening, along Kirishima, Todoroki, Mina, Momo, and Aizawa. They all charged into the room. As soon as they came in, both me and Katsuki burst through our ropes. Mina grabbed, pulled me out of the room through the hole, and Kirishima did the same with Katsuki. The other four were holding back the two villains. We were outside on the sidewalk and I was holding onto Katsuki, watching the others fight. Tears started to pour and I was sobbing in his arms. I was holding everthing in. I gave in to all of the pressure. I heard the sirens and the heroes arrive I just stood there holding on to him for dear life. I didn't let go. Even when The police were pulling us away from the scene, even when Katsuki's mom drove us home, even when he carried me upstairs to is room, I never let go of him.


I woke up the next morning with Katsuki's arms wrapped tightly around me. It seems he felt the same way I did.

"Hey dumbass, I love you." He wispered. I didn't realize he was wake.

"I love you more." I replied.

"No, I do." He pouted.

"Ok you win." I nuzzled my head into his chest. I want this to last forever. I'll never let go again.


Sorry I kind of suck at writting right now. Im like dead from a cold. But anyways Have a nice day that's full of Katsuki. (Cuz we all deserve a little bakugo now and then.)


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