Chapter 9

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They day when we would finally leave for the trainging camp had arrived. I was staying at Katsuki's house the night before, so we walked to the train station together. My boyfriend and I had arrived a little early, but most people were already there. I wasn't willing to deal with other humans at the moment so I walked into the classroom and went directly to my seat. Katsuki had followed me to my seat.

"Is there something bothering you, dumbass?" he sat down on the desk next to mine.

"I just don't want to talk to anyone besides you right now. I don't have the engery, nor the time to deal with people right now." I said, resting my hand on my chin. I noticed Kirishima walking down the aisle to his seat.

"Goodmorning y/n!" The red head spoke quite cheerfully. I put my best fake smile on and looked towards Kirishima.

"Goodmoring Kiri." I glanced back at Katsuki who had a very pissed off expression on his face.

"Katsuki, is something wrong?" I placed my hand on his.

"That bastard over there talked to you and he made you force a smile. If we weren't in class he'd be dead already. But why the fuck did he only say hi to you? You're mine. I don't want that asshole getting in the way." He was practicly steaming with anger.

"Katsuki, it was my fault, not his. I am yours, so don't get jealous over someone who isn't even interested." I stood up so the our eyes would be at the same level.

"I'm not jealous." He pouted.

"Mhm, keep telling yourself that." I giggled and sat back down.


Bakugo's POV

We were almost two hours in when the bus was taking a quick pitstop. Y/n was still sleeping on my shoulder when we had stopped, so I picked her up and carried her out of the bus. When we got there were these two weird cat-looking ladies. They were telling the class that we had to walk all the way through the forest to get to camp. What the fuck. That looks like a nine mile walk. There's no way we're going to get there by noon. Mineta was yelling his tiny mouth off because he had to go to the bathroom. I walked over to him and towered over him like a giant.

"Listen, nerd. You better shut the fuck up, or y/n will wake up, and we don't want that do we?" I was staring daggers.


"Shut your trap. Save it for someone who cares." I walked away with a smirk and the satisfaction of making that idiot quiet.

As soon as bus left, all the teens raced down the hill towards the forest. We soon ran into a giant rock monster thing and I put y/n down in a patch of grass. I launched over to the stuipd piece of rock, blasting right through it.

 I walked over to where I left my girlfriend and didn't see her. I looked around the area I last saw her but didn't see her anywhere. Y/n where the fuck did you go. Suddenly I felt something heavy fall on my soulders. I turned my head to see y/n, sitting on top of me.

"Boo." she wispered into my ear.

"What the fuck?! Don't scare me like that. Dumbass, making me worry." I just started walking in the direction of the others holding y/n on my shoulders. We soon started jumping into battle, fighting together, side by side.


Y/n's POV

I face-planted onto the ground as soon as we made it to our destination.

"UGGGGGH. FOOD. NOW." I was starving. It was probably around 4 or 5 o'clock, which meanes that none of us had lunch. Being me, I didn't even eat that much for breakfast, so I was espescially hungry. Katsuki, who was standing right next me, picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, like I was a sack of potatoes. He carried me over to where everyone was eating.

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