Chapter 27

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^^^idk i just like the song^^^

"Brooooo, no way." Kami nudged Kiri as he scrolled through his phone, next to him on the bed. The whole bakusquad was chilling in Mina's dorm room. Me and Katsuki we're sitting on the floor with Mina, while Sero sat at the desk chair.

"What bro?" Kirshima asks.

"Classes have been canceled 'until further notice'." The two boys high five and mina rolls her eyes.

Both me and Katsuki look at each other with worried looks. It had only been several hours since we told Aizawa what happened. Was she really that important that they had to cancel classes?

"Ok, what is with the looks?" Mina asks me and Katsuki.

"It's nothing." I brush it off.

"No, it's not nothing." Katsuki says to Mina, "Unless, by nothing, Y/n, you mean a crazy demon here to kill everyone, then, of course it's nothing."

"Seriously?" I glare at him, but he only shrugs. Everyone stops and just stares at me.

"What?! I didn't even say anything. It's him you should be looking at." I point at katsuki.

"Why would they be looking at me if you're they one who got attacked by her?"


"You got attacked?!"

"Was that why you had passed out with the blood on your head?!"

"Why didn't you say anything?" They all asked.

"It only happed this afternoon." I look down, then up again at katsuki, "But i'm not the only one who's been hiding things."

"Ooooh. spill." Mina demands.

"I assume you never told Kiri. Hm?" I stare right at him.

"No i didn't but-"

"So no one else knows except for me and Mitsuki, huh?" He looks away.

"What are you guys even talked about?" Sero asks.

"I don't fucking know." Katsuki lied. He knows exactly what I'm talking about.

"I think she picked it out." I tease hold my left hand out in frount of me.

"Fucking bet." Mina sips her tea loudly.

"You stay out of this." Katsuki snaps.

"Oh I bet she did."


"She probably dragged you to the store."

"No, I picked it out the fucking ring godamnit!" He shouts.

"Ring?!" everyone, except Kiri, exclaims.

"That's sweet that you bought her a ring Katsuki." Kiri says with a smile, causing Mina to face palm.

"No, Kirishima, he bought her an engagment ring." Sero says.

"huh" Kiri only tilts his head in confusion.

"Jesus christ," Mina muttered and shook her head, "Sweety, he asked her to marry him."

"oh. OHHHH. ew. Shit bro, why did you tell me?" He asks Katsuki. I only laugh at his reaction.

"I knew you would react in some weird way but I didn't think it would be that funny." I say inbetween laughs.

"I didn't tell you because I knew something as stuipd as that would happen." Katsuki responds.

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