Chapter 17

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I walked into my dorm room after a night out with Katsuki. I saw Mina sitting on the bed. It had been a few weeks since I had rejected her apology.

"Why are you here?" I asked while putting my bag down on the desk chair.

"I wanted to tell you something. Mostly because I haven't been honest with you." She sighed.

"Ok go ahead. I'm not doing anything, so take your time." I wasn't that angry with her any more but I still didn't want to be best friends.

"Well, the first thing I wanted to say was that, I told Bakugo you liked me because I was jealous." She looked down.

"Wait you were of me?" I pointed to myself.

"No, I was jealous of him." I could see her trying to hold back her tears.

"Wait Mina," I walked over and sat right next to her on the bed. I took her hand. "Mina are you... Are you gay?" She turned to me, the tears were visible now, and she nodded her head while hugging me. I felt her tears on my shirt and heard her sobbs.

"Shhh, it's okay. I love you a lot, and everything is going to be okay." I rubbed her back, trying to calm her down. I suddenly heard the door open.

"What the fuck, Mina? Y/n what is she doing here, like that." It was Katsuki of all people.

"Shut your trap and get the hell out, I'll come get you later, but get the fuck out. Now." I pointed at the door for him to leave, without even looking at him, and I heard the door close.

"I'm sorry he's such an ass sometimes." I continued to run circles on her back with my hand. I pet her head with my other hand. I know from experience how people want to be touched when they're sad. She continued to cry but it she slowly quieted down. She let go from the hug and sat up.

"I'm sorry, for everything. I shouldn't ha-" I cut her off.

"No. You have nothing to be sorry for. You've already apologized enough. I'm the one who should be sorry. I have been ingoring you for weeks." I put my hand on her shoulder.

"It's ok. I just... I shouldn't have let my feelings for you get the better of me." She sighed and looked up at me. "I really want to do something but I'm afraid if I do that you'll hate me for it."

"There is barely anything that could make me hate you and whatever your thinking probably isn't one of the things that would." She leaned a bit closer to me. Her black eyes staring deeply into mine. I knew what was going to happen, but I didn't stop it. She connected our lips and I didn't push her away. It took me only a montent afterwards to realize how wrong this was. I pulled away from her and stood up.

"I-i'm sorry but I can't." I walked out of the room and as I got into the hallway I started running. I ran all the way to Katsuki's floor. I quickly went to his room and knocked on his door. I herd him grumble and listened as his foot steps got closer to the door.

"The fuck do you wa-" I hugged him as soon as he opened the door and sqeezed him tightly. "Oi, let me breathe."

"No. Hugs."

"Dumbass, let go before I suffocate." I slowly let go of his waist and stepped back out into the hallway a bit.

"I didn't say you could go back out." He grabbed my arm and pulled me into his dorm room. He wrapped his arms around my waist and kissed me passionatly. I placed my arms around his shoulders as he pulled me deeper into the kiss.  I pulled away from him and placed my forehead against his.

"Ugh life's an asshole." I hugged him tighter.

"Damn right." He kissed my forehead and then placed his chin on top of my head.

"Sometimes I wish we could just be in a place where it's only us, a place where we can just be alone. Away from all the people who make life so fucking hard." I put my ear to his chest and listened to his heartbeat to help with the sadness of life.

"You know, we probably could do that." Katsuki said, his chin still on my head.

"How, and when?" I looked up at him.

"Well we could go out somewhere in the countryside, where there isn't as many shitty people, maybe find a cheap house if we save up. And as soon as we do that, we can go, anywhere." His solution was good, but crazy.

"Isn't that going to be hard? We're highschoolers. How the hell are we going to buy a house? And how are going to tell our parents?" I was rambling.

"Look, I have no fucking clue how, but I all want to do, is do it with you." I hugged him again. I liked the idea of being alone with him, but I didn't know if we could do it without waiting until we graduate.

"Hey, I think this would be a perfect idea, but, we should wait until after highschool. At that point, if we still want to, I'll go anywhere with you." I placed a hand on his chest and kissed him quickly.

"Deal." He responded fast and then kissed my check before sitting down at his desk for homework.

"Fuck, I have so much work to do." I whined.

"Bring it in here and we'll do it together." He winked at me. I rolled my eyes.

"And by 'together' you mean, you'll do it yourself." He nodded and I laughed.

We spent the rest of the night working, fighting, laughing, playing, and I remember that day all the damn time. Because, I love him.


Ok sorry this one took so long. I'm currently in Las Vegas and I was going to finnish it on the plane but I fell asleep.(;^ω^sorry.

k luv u byeeee


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