Chapter 18

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"What the fuck?" I walked into my room to see a little pervert looking through my drawers. "Mineta get the hell out of my room before a burn you to a crisp." I pointed to the door, and he rushed out with a frightened look on his face. I put everything back where it was supposed to be and flopped onto my bed.

"Oh god, today was so tiring." I groaned into my pillow. "Why does school have to be so damn hard?"

"Well, maybe you should work harder, dumbass." I sat up and looked behind me to see Katsuki standing in the doorway. He walked over to me and kissed my cheek, before sitting down on the bed.

"Well that's easier said than done." I sighed and placed my head in his lap. I looked up at him and smiled.

"Fuck, you're too cute." he sqeezed my cheeks and then kissed me softly.

"I wish we could just skip third year so that this can all be over and we can get the hell out of here." I put my hand on the blonde's cheek. "Honestly, I wish we didn't have to be heroes. Even though I want to help people and I want to be someone that's looked up to, I just don't want the world following me everywhere. Following us."

"I wish that too. I want it to be so that we can be the best heroes, but I don't want all the fucking drama." He rolled his eyes at the thought.

"We should just hide our idenities if weren't for the fucking sports festival. That's one way UA kind of ruins your personal life. Telling everyone in the world your real name before your become a hero so that people can creep on you." I gave a sarcastic smile.

"Fuck them honestly. Why the hell are they making it so easy for the press bastards to make drama about OUR lives. It's not fucking fair." he huffed and crossed his arms.

"Well, life's not fucking fair, Kat. Trust me I know."

"Well ya I kno- wait what the fuck did you just call me."

"Kat." I booped his nose.

"Well-well I-I don't hate it." He huffed again and I just laughed. He started laughing too, soon enough we were just weezing and crying from laughing so much.

I heard wispers coming from the door so I turned to see half the class all squished in the door way, holding there phones, taking pictures. I tapped Katsuki's arm and pointed to the door way. He saw them and flipped them off. He was about to yell at them when I put my hand on his chest.

"Wait, don't let make them go." I said in a quiet tone. "I kinda like that they think were a cute couple, and, the attention isn't so bad~" I cooed while sitting up in his lap.

"Let's give em a show then." He wispered. He leaned in and kissed me passionately. I put my hands behind his neck while hearing oohs, aws and cameras clicking from the group of teens. I looked over to see Todoroki staring at me. I winked at him and he blushed and walked away from the door. I pulled away for air and then dove back into the kiss, which turned into a heated make out session, with Katsuki's tongue down my throat. I pulled away and got off Katsuki's lap. I walked over to all the teens and winked at them before closing the door. I could hear them all sqeeling and screaming 'THERE GONNA HAVE SEX' as I walked back to Katsuki. I just giggled at them and sat back down on the bed next to my boyfriend.

"Well, that was fun." I laughed. Katsuki stared at me like he was waiting for something. "What?"

"Well are we... you know...?" Pointed back and forth between the two of us. I picked up a pillow and threw it at him.

"No you idiot, we're not going to have sex." He threw the pillow back at me.

"Are you suuuuure? A dumbass like you would deffinetly want to fuck me if they got the chance." He leaned over to me and I kissed him quickly before dashing to the bathroom where I locked the door behind me.

"You Can't Hide From Me Y/n!" He banged on the door. I heard a bang and then sizzling and cracking noise. I turned to see that Katsuki had blasted the doorhandle off.

"Fuck." The door slammed open and I was immediately attacked by the fluffy porcupine I call my boyfriend. He picked me up, threw me over his shoulder, walked out of my dorm room and down to the common area. Almost everyone from 1-A was there. He placed me back down on a couch, straddled me and started to tickle me senseless.

"KA.... TSU...KI!" I barley mannaged to say through the laugher. "sTOp! KAtsUkI!" He just chuckled and continued. It got to the point where I was just weezing. " I can't breathe- I ca-
I can't Breathe! KACCHAN STOP" He abruptly stopped tickling me. fuck. I clapped my hand over my mouth.

"Did you... call me.. kacchan?" He looked dumbfounded.

"I-I didn't m-m-mean it. I just w-was bein-"

"No I like it." He cut me off still sitting on top of me. I heard a loud gasp. I looked up to see everyone staring at us with mouths wide open and and back at Midoriya, who looked just as, if not more, suprised as everyone else. I looked back at Katsuki. He was glaring at Midoriya.

"OKAYY, it's time to go now!" I grabbed Katsuki and dragged the teenage todler out of the room.

"You're insane, you know that." I said as we walk up the stairs.

"Ya, but you love it." he teased.

"sh-shut up." I blushed a bright pink and he chuckled at my embarassment. We got to his room and he pulled me inside. he hugged me tightly and we swayed back and fourth. I laid my head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat. A sound that makes me feel safe. The sound that has saved me so many times.

"Fuck I love you so much." he mumbled with his chin on my head.

"I know. I love you too." We stayed like that for a good ten minutes before a knock at the door interupted us. Katsuki let go of me and walked to the door. When he opened it Kirishima was standing there.

"What do you want shitty hair." I walked up next to Katsuki, but he stood in front of me protectively.

"I just wanted to say that I'm sorry about what happened the night of the party. It was very unmanly of me to do that. I really like being friends with you Bakugo and I hope that we can still be friends." He smiled his beautiful Kiri smile held out his hand. I ducked under Katsuki's arm and shook his hand.

"He really likes being friends with you too, and he accepts your appology." I smiled back at Kiri. I elbowed katsuki and gave him a 'do it and don't fuckin test me' look until he shook Kiri's hand aswell. I thanked the red headed boy and closed the door.

"whAT THE FUCK? Did you seriously just do that?" Katsuki backed me into the wall.

"Yup." I glared back into his eyes.

"You bi-" I grabbed the collar of his shirt and cut him off with a kiss. He pulled away.


"Asshole." He chuckled and kissed me again with a quick peck.

"I'm hungry now. Do you want to get food?"

"sure ya. I don't fucking care really."

"Very specific." I rolled my eyes.

"What? I really don't care!"

"mmhmm, ok whatever, sparky sparky boom bom boi." I gave him and evil smile and he just tickled me again. I pushed his hands away.

"No we are NOT going there again." He just leaned in so his lips were next to my ear.

"What if I want you to call me Kacchan." he wispered.

"What are you talking about.... kacchan?" he blushed and backed away. I walked away from him and sat on the bed. He came over and pulled me down on the bed so that we were lying next to each other.

"what about food?" I ask.

"No. stay." He wrapped his arms around me and we slowly driffed off to sleep.

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