Chapter 12

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~Since the last few chapters have been pretty sad and intense, here's some fluff for your enjoyment<3~

"KATSUKI! GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE BEFORE THE FOOD GETS COLD!" Mitsuki, Katsuki's mom, had made breakfast for us because she was leaving with her husband for a few days. I was already in the kitchen, while Katsukui was taking a shower. I grabbed a plate of waffles and sat down at the table. I looked up to see my boyfriend walking into the room.

"Good morning, Katsuki." I waved to him as he walked past me to the waffles.

"Morning, dumbass." He ruffled my hair and sat down next to me.

"Hey, Katsuki! Did you really just call your girlfriend a DUMBASS?!" Mitsuki yelled over from where she was making coffee.

"S-SHUT UP yOU OLD HAG!" He glared back at her, obviously flustered.

"It's alright I really don't mind." I glanced over to Mitsuki, giving her a smile of reasurance. "Buuuut, I have always wondered why you call me that." I turned my head back to Katsuki. His mouth was filled with waffle and his cheeks were glowing a bright pink. Damn, that's hillarious, but kinda cute. I was trying my best to hold in a giggle.

"wE'LL, talk about it later." He got quieter as he finished the sentence. We both then moved on and finnished our waffles, then cleaned up.

"Alright, kiddos." Mitsuki was picking up her bag and heading for the door. "We'll be leaving now."

"Okay, bye Mitsuki!" I waved from where I was standing in the kitchen.

"There's food in the frigde and lots of ice cream, per your request, oh and y/n,"


"If he tries anything," She glared at Katsuki. "Call me."

"Okay thank you so much." I waved again, and the two parents walked out the door. I turned to face Katsuki, who was still sitting at the table.

"Sooooooo, now that they're gone," I hopped up on to the counter. "I was thinking we could do somthing." I smiled at him. I was really exicted for what I had planned.

"Thinking we could do what?" He got up from the table and stood in front of me with his hands on my hips.

"Well, maybe we could... watch a movie." I leaned closer to him. "And then we could just spend the day together."

"That doesn't sound half bad." He leaned in and connected our lips for a brief second. I pulled away and dragged him into the living room.

"So dumbass, what are we watching?" He sat down on the couch and I turn on the TV and sat next to him.

"Twilight." I responded.

"But those movies are trash." He let his head fall back on the couch.

"C'mon, I know you have a sercret man-crush on Jacob." I nudged him with my elbow gently.

"What? I like the ones with anger issues okay?" he pouted and crossed his arms.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say."

Soon enough Katsuki was alseep. He always falls alseep when we watch a movie. I got up from the couch and went into the kitchen. I wrote on a note saying I'd be out for a while just in case he woke up before I got back. I grabbed my jacket and my wallet before heading out. I walked up the street and into town. I had the adress on my phone so I knew where I was going. I went inside and walked up to the woman at the front desk.

"Hello how can I help you?"  She asked me politely.

"Hi, can you tell me where I can go to see the dogs that are up for adoption?"

"Oh yes, you can walk down that hallway and make a right. You won't miss it." she pointed behind me.

"Ok, thank you." I turned around and walked down to where she had instructed. I knew what she ment when I saw the large groups of children around glass windows and doors. Walked towards on of the windows and saw three puppys all running around chasing each other. They were cute, but I was here for a specific dog. I walked up to someone wearing a uniform.

"Hey do you know which one of these is a puppy named Spark?"

"Yeah, he's in this one behind me." The man replied.

"Thank you!" I waved and walked to the window behind them. 

I had looked on the shelters website earlier and I saw Spark on the adoption page. He was a little ash blonde pitbull puppy. I looked through the glass to see the little dog sleeping on a bed. Oh my god. I already knew he looked a little like Katsuki from the pictures online, but he even looks like him alseep too! I had made up my mind. I'm adopting him.

And the next thing I knew I was walking out of the shelter with a puppy. (obviously I had some supplies too.) He was suprisingly well trained for a puppy. He still sniffed like everything we passed but he was still very calm.

We got back to the house and I opened the door quiely so if Katsuki was still asleep I wouldn't wake him. I walked into the kitchen to put all of the supplies for Spark down and picked up the puppy and carried him into the living room. I sat down next to Katsuki and gently shook him.

"Hey, babe. wake up." He looked up at me and grummbled before sitting up and noticing what was in my arms.

"What the hell is that?" He glaced down at the dog and back up at me.

"Its a Puppy!" I lifted up Spark a bit. "Isn't he cute?"

"Where did you get the money? And the idea?" He still looked confused.

"I been saving up for a while and well, it was actually Mitsuki's idea." I petted Spark's head on my lap.

"You mean the old hag put you up to this?" He stared back down at the puppy.

"Yeah, she told me that I should get you an animal for a gift since you've been asking for one forever. She thought it would be more meaningful if I got it, so I did."

"Wait, really? You didn't have to." he looked back up at me with his crimson eyes.

"Of course I did. I love you and I want you to be happy. So here take him." I picked up Spark and placed him in Katsuki's lap. "I did get him for you, but we're sharing now. I didn't realize how much he looked like you until I saw him today."

"He is cute though. Just like you, dumbass." He ruffled my hair and I giggle a little bit. "But I'm the one who's supposed to make you happy." he looked more serious.

"Well too bad, guess we're going to have to share that too." I leaned in and kissed him softly. He pulled away and hugged me.

"Thank you, fuck, I love you so much." he wispered.

"I love you always. Now how about we go get some pizza?" I was hungry now after the walking.

"Yeah let's go." He pulled me and the dog off the couch, thankfully he still had his harness (Yes we nice to the little puppy) on because Katsuki went straight for the door.

"I hope you have money Katsuki. I'm practicly broke now."

"Yeah, dumbass I'm not stuipd."


Welcome my children, to the world of soft katsuki. I haven't left for years. 10/10 would recommend.


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