Chapter 5

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We got to Katsuki's house and he told me to sit on the couch while he got me a glass of water. He came into the living room with a tall glass of water and a bowl of pretzles. The ash blonde boy handed me the glass and placed the bowl down on the coffee table.

"I get the water, but why'd you bring pretzles?" I asked him

"Because when you drink water with something salty then it helps you stay hydrated for longer, dumbass." He said giving me a handful of pretzles.

Straight F A C T S kids.

"Now, I want you to drink the whole glass." He demanded. I took a sip of water and then continued to drink the whole glass while we talked (mostly argued).

"Can I ask you something?" I looked down and started to fidget with the fabric of the couch.

"Sure, I don't care." He leaned closer to me put his hand on top of mine so I would stop fidgeting. Sometimes he's better at speaking with actions, not words.

"Why do you like me?" I lifted my head stared in to his eyes. He was obviously not prepared for a question like that because he had his cute suprised face on.

"Why do you ask?" He finally spoke.

"I just never thought that anyone would like me, so I wanted to know why, because there isn't really anything that's good about me." I looked back down at his hand, which was still on top mine.

"What the fuck are you talking about? There are plenty of things that are great about you. Hell, everything about you is great." He turned my head to look at him, just like I did to him this morning.

"My body, my personality, my face, my depression, my anxiety, my past, my family. All those things are awful." I relpied to his comment.

"One, Your body and face are fucking beautiful and perfect. Two, your depression and anxiety aren't you, people hurt you and gave them to you. Three, even though it's painful, your past makes you the amazing person you are today. Four, yes, your dad is a total asshole, but what about your mom? Your family doesn't define you. Four, you are funny, smart, and strong. And your personality is all of those things. Don't tell yourself you aren't good because you are. I believe and know you are."  I sat there thinking about everything that had happened today. I had told him everything about my past, then he was holding my hand all day, he told me he likes me and I accepted his feelings, and now he's telling me everything about me that I think is bad, isn't.

"I wish my mind thought the way you did. It seems like I can't think what I want anymore. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked. I just made it worse." My heart was racing and I was starting to hyperventilate. No no no, not now. I can not have a panic attack in front of Katsuki.

"Hey, don't appollogize," He pulled my head to his chest, "Just know that I won't let anyone ever fucking hurt you again." I listened to his heartbeat and shut my eyes tight trying to focus of his heart. Just breathe y/n, just breathe. I cleared my mind and only listened to the thumping of Katsuki's heart. My breathing slowed and my heart rate slowed.

"Hey, dumbass. Go out with me. Then I can protect you from everyone." Katsuki sounded so different. Not like his usual deep growl, but calm and sincere.

"Okay, I believe you."  I sat up and looked at Katsuki. Not only did he sound different but he looked different too. He had a small smile on his lips and there was love in his eyes. He looks so soft, and I like it. I moved myself closer to him and put my hand on the side of his face. He put his hand on my waist and pulled me even closer, our faces almost touching. He leaned in and our lips connected. He was gentle and his lips were soft, unlike his calloused hands. I pulled away and leaned my forehead against his.

"Didn't you say that you had homework?" he asked me, breaking the silence.

"Yeah, Why?" I asked back.

"I'll do it for you, if you let me kiss you again." he said with a smirk.

"Alright then." I smile on my face as I put my arms around his sholders. He reconnected our lips and I leaned back on the couch, so that he was on top of me. Slowly the kiss became more rough as his hands went though my hair. Suddenly my phone started to ring. I pulled away and took it out of my pocket. I could hear Katsuki groan while I accepted the call.


"Y/n where the hell are you?!" I winced at my father's loud tone.

"You haven't been home since last night. You need to get your life together at some point. You can't spend all your time with your so-called friends and they probably don't even like you so get home now." My Dad was yelling through the phone so it was loud enough for Katsuki to hear.

"I'm sorry dad. I'll be home soo-" Katsuki grabbed the phone out of my hand.

"I'm sorry but y/n won't be coming home for a while because she doesn't want to be around her ASSHOLE of a father. Don't contact her ever again or I will personally find you and kill you, Fuck off and have a terrilbe life."

"BAKUGO YO-" And with that he hung up the phone.

"Katsuki!" I yelled at the boy for how much trouble he just got me in.

"What? He deserved it." he said with a straight face.

"Of course he did, but now I'm going to die when I get home!" I was mad but also scared of what will happen when I see my father.

"Well, you're not going back to that asshole's place ever again. You'll stay here when you're suposed to be at his house." I was supprised that he would even suggest that.

"Are you sure? I would love to bu-"

"No buts. You're staying here and thats final." he grabbed my arm to pull me upstairs to his room and pushed me down on the bed. "Now... where were we."

UGGGGHHHH I LOVE HIM SO MUCH I'M GOING TO DIE. Sorry for my aggressiveness but I'm love with Bakugou Katsuki.


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