Chapter 8

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Y/n's POV

I woke up with a throbing headache and a sleeping Katsuki in my lap. Holy fuck he's so cute. I started to play with his hair. Which is suprisingly fluffy compared to how spikey it looks.

" soft." I said quietly. I heard a small growl then a low voice.

"What's soft?" Katsuki asked, still keeping his eyes closed.

"Oh sorry, did I wake you up?" I apologized, moving my hand away from his hair.

"No they did." Katsuki pointed to a group of teens huddled in the entrance taking pictures.

How did I not notice them?!

"Get the fuck out, he's trying to sleep." I said angrily to our classmates.

"I totally ship it."

"I know right, their so cute!"

"He's so lucky to have a girlfriend, not mention Y/N as his girlfriend."

"Ya how'd he score a girl like that."

"I said get out!" I yelled. Blushing at the comments, I pushed them all out with a huge gust of wind I made with my quirk.

"Thank god they're gone." I looked back down at Katsuki who was sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"Hey, are you ok? Do you need anything?" Katsuki grabbed my hand and sqeezed it tightly

"I could use some water. My head hurts." I watched as he got up and went out for a minute. He came back with two bottles of water and a bag of pretzles.

"Seriously, what's your deal with pretzles?" I glared at him as he handed me a bottle and place the other on the floor.

"Why are you questioning me and my decisions?" He glared back.

"Fine, you win." I grabbed the pretzle bag and started to drink the water and eat out of the bag.


Since I passed my exam, I was going to the training camp with the others. The teachers didn't tell us were we were going because they didn't want any villians finding us. A bunch of the class was going to a mall to shop for things they needed to bring on the trip. I had everyting I needed, but Katsuki had to get a few things, so we decided to go to the same mall as everyone else but not actually go with them. We didn't need the drama.

"So Katsuki, what do you need to get?" I asked him, grabbing his hand.

"Just a sleeping bag and some more shoes, thats all." He pulled me into a shop and we started looking around for some shoes.

"Oh my GOD! Y/N!" I turned around to see a girl. I recconized her immeadiatly. She was one of the girls that bullied me in middle school.

"Uh hey." I said quietly. I think Katsuki noticed my discomfort and put his arm around my shoulder.

"What have you been up to?" The girl asked

"Oh I got into UA." I was looking down now. I couldn't look her in the eyes. All they remined me of was the trauma and the suffering she caused.

"Wait, seriously? I never thought you'd actually get in." she look suprised.

"Well she did." Katsuki snapped and gripped me tighter.

"Really y/n, is he your boyfriend or something? Maybe you should break up with him before he leaves you." She laughed and started to walk away but Katsuki grabbed her arm and wispered something in her ear. He let go and the girl ran off as quickly as she could.

"She'll never bother you again, I promise." My boyfriend hugs me tightly and puts his chin on my head.

"Thank you, But what did you tell her?" I said into his chest.

" I told her that I would never leave you and if she tried anything stuipd, I'd snap her neck right then and there." He had a completely straight face. He grabbed a box off a shelf and pulled me with him to the cashier. As he was paying I wispered, "Are you giving death threats to my old friends now?" he leaned down to my ear level.

"She wasn't your friend though. If she was, then wouldn't have been such a bitch." he stood up straight, grabbed his stuff and we walked out of the store with him pulling me behind him.

"I'm hungry, let's get something to eat." He was about to keep walking but noticed that I didn't respond to the mention of food. I was frozen in my panic attack. I couldn't move, I just stared in one direction while my mind raced a mile a minute.

"Hey, what's wrong? Did I do something?" he sounded worried but all I could do was stand there and have a mental breakdown in my mind. This happens every once in a while. When too many things happen at once then I just freeze up while I freak out in my head. The scariest part about these episodes is that you go through them alone, with no way to contact anyone.

"Are you hurt? Is someone hurting you? Who is doing this?!" Katsuki kept asking questions, his voice started to shake with fear. I couldn't even move my eyes to look at him. I felt his hands on my shoulders and I suddenly fell into his arms.

"I'm so sorry I didn't want that to happen. I'm really sorry you had to see that." I apollogized over and over.

"Can you tell me what the fuck happened?" He asked, his voice was still shakey. I looked up to see his eyes, they were filled with tears.

"Let's go sit down somewhere and I'll tell you." I grabbed his hand and walked to a bench. I sat cross-legged on the bench while he sat close to me on my left.

"I have panic attacks. And sometimes I start to hyperventilate, my heart beats really fast, and my mind feels like every little thing could cause a full on mental break down. But sometimes I freeze up I don't have control over my body. So my mind breaks down with no way of anyone knowing or being able to help. Those are the scariest ones. And that's what just happened." I felt a pain in my chest.

"I want to help you when that happens." Katsuki pulled my onto his lap and hugged me from behind.

"Just touch me and it will usually stop, but if that doesn't work then just keep talking to me. Your voice will calm me down." he nuzzled his head into my neck and I leaned my head against his.

"I was so scared. I didn't know what the hell was going on and you didn't fucking say anything, so, so-"

"It's okay, you didn't know what was going on. I don't blame you." I put my hand on the other side of his head. "You know I love you, right?"

"I know, dumbass, I love you too, more than you could ever know."


Life man.


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