Chapter 3

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*trigger warning: This chapter has mention of mental and physical abuse, and self harm*

edit: i fixed so much shit in this chapter because it was insensitive and i fucking hated it- so if you see any comments that don't make sense, that's why.

"wHAT" I was so suprised that I dropped the tub of hot chocolate mix on the ground. Thank god the lid was on.

"You agreed to talking to him, so I told him that you wanted to meet with him, and he agreed." she replied while hopping off the counter and placing her empty bowl in the sink.

"Then why didn't you tell me!?" I exclaimed.

"Because I asked him this morning while you were still asleep so that you wouldn't make me stop." She said, walking out of the kitchen and into the living room. I followed her so I could keep talking.

"Well... okay fine." I looked down as a blush crept on to my cheeks at the thought of Katsuki.

"Holy fuck, you really do like him don't you." She stared at me, waiting for an answer.

"Ugh, just.. whatever. I gonna need to look through your closet for something nice though." I said trying to stop thinking about Katsuki.

"EEEEEEEE!"She squealed and dragged me into her room. She sat me down on the bed and immeditally started to look through her closet."I'm going to make you look so pretty that Bakugo won't even be able to say something stuipd." she said as she started throwing clothes at me.

I examined the clothes and smiled. She might be an idoit sometimes but, damn no one has style like Mina.

"Okay put these on and then meet me in the bathhroom for hair and makeup." She said in a slightly demanding tone. It was kind of funny that she was talking to me like I was an actor and she was my stylist. I mean, she kind of is.

I quickly put the clothes on and I looked at myself in the mirror. Damn I actually like my clothes for once. I walked into the bathroom and saw that in the time it took me to get dressed, she had completely set up a whole Sephora.

"Sit here please." she pointed down to the small stool she normally keeps in her bathroom. She does this a lot. I sat down and she started to mess around with my hair and then proceeded to work on my face.

"Done." After 15 minutes she had finnished with my make up and span the stool around so I could look in the mirrior. Okay, that isn't that bad. Its subtle but noticable and still doing a lot for my face. I got up and hugged her.

"Thank you."

"Of course. Now go. Get out of here, you have to be there in 10." she said pushing me out of the bathroom into the hallway and out the front door.

"But my stu-"

"I'll bring it to school. Its 7:20 now so if you hurry you'll have an hour or an hour and a half before you have to be at school, so go!" She pushed me off the porch and slammed the door behind her. Well thanks I guess?


"Hello, Katsuki!" I said with a happy tone, trying not to sound nervous, and walked up to where he was sitting.

"Oh, hey y/- holy shit." he looked me up and down before his face turned a bright pink.

"What. Is s-something wrong?" I looked down at my outfit trying to see if something wasn't right or if my fly was down.

"No no, it's whatever.... you just look...  nice." he seemed to be more on edge than normal.

"Thanks... Do you want to go get drinks?" I asked. Oh my fucking god, I'm so akward it's not even funny.

"yeah, whatever." He got up and we walked towards the counter to order our drinks.

After we had gotten what we both had ordered, we went back to the table and starting to talk about nothing and everything.

"Mina told me you wanted to talk to me about something." Katsuki looked up from his coffee and made eye contact with me.

"Uh yeah, um well, so I...." He didn't say anything he just waited patiently for me to finnish. I took a deep breath and remembered everything Mina told me.

"When I was in middle school, my parents got divorced. A lot of shit happened to me because of it. All my friends left me for the popuar kids or because they didn't want me to drag them down. I was made fun of, my dad was an asshole and my mom was having trouble with lots." I took a deep breath, trying not to cry as I spoke. Soon enough, I continued.

"That's when I started to... hurt myself, and be overly strict with eating and stuff. I thought that if I was prettier that people would like me more. Mina helped me out a lot and always said she wanted to be my friend. I didn't belive her so I kept pushing her away, because I thought she was just trying to use me like everyone else. But, she finnally won me over this year when we started going to UA together. Things also got a lot better after... after I met you."

I looked up into the crimson eyes in front of me. I expected to hear something about me overreacting, or it being not that big of a deal, but he just sat there at looking back at me with nothing but empathy in his eyes.


Again i had to change this chapter a lot because it was awful and i wrote it when i was a dumb little middle schooler, so i hope the revised version is way less triggering and insensitive.


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