Chapter 20

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A few days after the villian attack, after school me and Katsuki were walking Spark to the park.

"You know that we have to have a party soon." I say to Katsuki.

"With the shitheads from school or.." he asked me.

"Yeah, like with everyone. We all haven't hung out as a group in a long time." I smiled remembering all the fun the class has had together. "But now that I think about it someone's gotten hurt everytime..." I mumble to myself.

"Yeah, I guess it would be ok." Katsuki grumbled.

"Wait really?" I looked at him, suprised he would say yes.

"I mean if you want to.. then I guess it's fine." He almost mumbled the last part. I punched his shoulder lightly.

"Aw, the great bakugo has feelings for meeeee~." He punched me back.

"S-Shut up you know I love you."He looked down, but I could see his red face.

"Do I see a blush?!" I fake gasped.

"Little shit, comere." He put his arm over my shoulder and I put my arm around his waist. It still suprises me how incredibly small it is.

"Hey, if you want, we could go to the boba place." Katsuki suggested.

"Yay, let's go." I took his hand in mine and we crossed the street in the direction of the shop. As we were walking I couldn't help but feel like we were being watched. I looked behind me and saw a tall hooded figure. I looke back around quickly, hoping whoever it was didn't notice me looking. I started walking a little faster and I held Kastuki's hand as tight as possible. After we took a few turns, I looked behind me again, the figure still walking the exact same distance behind us.

"We're being followed." I wisper to kastuki.

"The fuck, who is it?" He asks.

"I have no idea."

"What should we do?"

"I think I know what to do." The boba place was just down the block, if we get in there store, the creep who's following us probably won't come inside with us. Mostly because there will be alot of people and cameras. We make it to the store and rush inside. Luckly the shop allows pets, because there was no fucking way I was leaving Spark out there alone.

"Ok I think we safe." I say to Katsuki as the hooded person walks past the store.

"Thank fucking god. That was creepy." He says while slouching.

We ordered drinks and sat down at a small two person table in the back, with Spark sleeping under the table.

"I hated that so much." I shudder.

"Another reason why UA sports festival sucks. Stalkers and kidnappers follow you around." Katsuki grumbles.

"Yea, it's true." I say while chewing a tapioca ball in my mouth.

"Although, sometimes when people reconize you the attention can be fun." He adds.

"Oh shut up you narsicist." I wave my hand at him.

"Hey, you fucking love it, so you shut up you dumbass." He points at me with his cup still in his hand.

"Doesn't mean I can't tease you though." I boop his nose.

"Just fuck off." He scoffs, looking away.

I fake gasp and put a hand on my chest. "I feel, attacked." I put the back of my other hand on my forehead.

"Oh just come here." He reaches over the table, pulls on my uniform tie and connects our lips.

"You know you can just ask." I say after he pulled away.

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