extras from the author

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This isn't an normal update i'm sorry BUT it is very cool and i'm gonna be explaining a lot of my reasoning behind the story/character development and some little extra details

And if you want to know all of those things then please keep reading! But of course if that isn't something that sounds interesting you don't have to read this. :)

Extra #1: Y/n's quirk

So this first thing that i'm gonna be sharing is about Y/n's quirk.

I've read a lot of comments (i read all of them btw) about how Y/n is hella op. And yes i've also seen people criticizing that.

I started writing this almost a year ago and my writing skills have obviously improved since last June so i left out a lot of details.

But the reason why i made Y/n so op but you never really see her really use her quirk is because i wanted her to have this "mindset" that she wasn't good enough or that she didn't feel as powerful as she was. So that caused her to under perform and not really be as strong as she could be.

I was trying to play into the whole self esteem issues thing. Y/n wasn't powerful because she didn't believe she was. That was the pinnacle of that idea for me. So i apologize for not being more specific about that.

Extra #2: The relationship speed

I also get a lot of people comment on how fast the relationship went and how young they are etc.

One of the main reasons I started writing this fic was because i am a very inpatient person when is comes to fanfics and x readers especially. I wanted to have something where i didn't have to read thirty 1000 word chapters before they even asked each other out.

It was really hard to find stuff that didn't have hella long beginnings so i decided, "fuck it i'll make one myself."

And i know a lot of people actually like the long ass beginnings and shit. I do too sometimes. But i just wanted to make something that i liked and something that i enjoyed making because it made me happy.

This story was made to be fast. So i'm not sorry if you didn't like them getting married at 18 lmao. But y'know that's just how it be.

Extra #3: Mina

Omfg i need to address the Mina situation because there is soooo much shit i have not said and y'all ain't prepared.

So yes i did in fact made Mina gay. (we all know this) I actually didn't do this cuz i "thought it would be cute" or some bullshit like that. The real reason why she is gay is that i wanted to prove that Y/n wasn't going to let anything (except sometimes herself) get in the way of being with Katsuki.

Y/n did in fact have a little bit of feelings for Mina for a long long long time. But it wasn't something that really ever surfaced much in her life, especially after Katsuki. That's why I didn't make y'all pull away when she kissed you. Y/n didn't actually hate it or think it was weird. It was a "I'm gonna feel hella bad if this shit goes any farther" kinda thing. Not ew i kissed a girl.

So basically if Y/n didn't end up with katsuki she would be with Mina.

So... you're welcome.

Extra #4: Soft Bakugo

Soft Bakugo was a choice i made. ONLY because i like him better that way. Like i said before, i made this for my personal enjoyment. So i wanted to show off the softer side of Katsuki especially because i think it wouldn't have worked as well if he wasn't.

Anyway I hope y'all don't hate that i made him a little bit more honest and open with his feelings towards Y/n.

Extra #5: Tsuku Mogami

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