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I latched onto the outstretched hand letting him pull me out of the pool. My dress was drenched leaving it to stick to my body like a second skin. I felt a towel come and land on my shoulder, I sent a thankful smile to Rylan.

Who surprisingly after sharing a few words .

He was a good guy after he realises that you don't want to sleep with him. I knew that there was a big misconception about him around campus. But he didn't seem to care.

"you good" the guy that helped me asked. I studied this boy closely. My anger diminishing when I stared at the green eyes staring back at me. Genuine concern. His black jet hair was perfect with the dark skin tone. He wore a tight black shirt with jeans, and he was just the definition of handsome.

I nodded frantically but the words that came out of this pricks mouth had my attention leaving him. "how is that my fault" I wasn't stupid I had heard of the buzz around Mr Cole Hamilton today around campus.

It appears that Cole's family were linked to royalty in Asia, but I guess he didn't stay for the etiquette lessons because this boy has no manners at all.

"your dirty journalist of a mother that's who" he snapped at me. Clear anger in his eyes, no ounce of guilt . I didn't let him finish, my hand was moving on it's own as I slapped his left cheek in anger.

The nerve of this guy. I wanted to do more than that but I felt someone tug on my arm bringing me back. Montana stood there giving me a look. My mind went back to seeing how close she was to Cole.

She wouldn't. Right.

Before I said something, I would regret later I stormed out of there. I could hear Kim shouting for me, but I was on a war path for blood and if someone looked at me the wrong way, I'm sure I'll end up in city jail anytime soon.

"Lex wait, we're coming back with you" Kim said pulling my arm. I spun my face red hot with anger. Kim gently took my other hand. "it's okay honey" she said gently.

"Are you mad at me" Montana said quietly bowing her head down.

Kim stared at us confused. I didn't know what to think. I had seen how Cole took an interest in her and Tana would be stupid to ignore such a hot guy showing her the attention that most girls crave for. I just hoped that she wasn't the type of girl to side with the boy rather than her friends. Especially when the guy just pushed me into the pool over a false accusation.

I shook my head "No Tana I'm not mad at you I'm just pissed at that guy. You didn't tell him about my mother being a journalist did you" i asked her. I mean I had to ask.

I regretted saying it as soon as I saw the look in her eyes.

"forget it, that was low" I pushed my comment to the side, I needed to not put the blame on Montana obviously Cole saw how stunning she was. She deserves to have the attention.

We slowly made our way back we jumped on one of the student buses that run throughout the night. I had my head leant up against the window, my mind going over tonight and wondering where I went wrong.

My mom wasn't some dirty journalist looking for  juicy stories she was far from that. Ever since she was young, she would read books about the war, read old love letters that the soldiers would send to their loved ones.

She became a journalist that focused on making the dreams of soldiers come to life. Last month she completed her 2-year long quest of finding the wife of a soldier who was living in France. He wrote to her asking for her to find him his love of his life.

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