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" Be careful honey, i want you to call me when you land" My mum says handing me the tickets she got for me. 

The good thing about my mom being a well known journalist was that she had many connections. I felt bad because she never likes to use this to get things but she could see that I was desperate. 

" ofcourse i will, thank you so much," I said, jumping up and wrapping my arms around her. I was planning an awesome date for me and Cole tonight.

I managed to convince him to spend the night with me but he was adamant on going to the gym and training this morning.

I went back to the flat to start getting ready. 

It was 12 pm right now which meant that for us to get there in time for this event we would need to leave in the next hour or so. Taking into account the time different and flight time.

I thought about this long and hard last night. I had different ideas of what we could do but my dad made me realise that Cole's head was completely invested in the game. I would be a bad girlfriend to force him to stop thinking about it altogether. 

When mom came in and told me she has friends with a famous coach in the USA i decided that it would be the perfect idea to take him to watch his favourite team. 

I pulled out the hair tie from my hair and let my wet waves cascade down my back. 

" I cant believe you're flying to America just for a date" Kim said from my bed. 

I picked up my moisturizer and started dotting it over my face. 

" its not just for him, mom got tickets for 5 of them."

I felt bad that i would just get a ticket for him, i thought that he might want his teamates there to disuss more about the game. 

I dont mind having him all to myself after.

" you have officially taken the top place for best girlfriend" she said. 

I grinned. " he deserves it" i whispered. But she heard me. 

I rushed through my makeup, i managed to do a simple look with my eyes and lips standing out. I walked over to my wardrobe and looked for an outfit. I decided on going simple on the bottem but nice on the top. 

"Where is he?" I asked walking into the social room. Miles and Josh were eating subway on one of the tables whilst they watched a football game on the Tv.

Josh pointed over to the other side. Cole laid down flat on the sofa, a pillow over his head.

I walked over and stood above him. Watching him sleep quietly.

"What is that," I say looking at his ankle, it was bandaged up. I turned sharply to Miles. Not only is he the closest to Cole , he also seems to be at fault.

"Oh yeah about that" Miles scratched the back of his neck. Sounding nervous.

I rolled my eyes and turned back to Cole. Slowly I lifted the pillow. I slapped his cheek lightly.

"I'm up I'm up," he said grabbing my wrist. I doubt that he was even asleep.

" What happened to going light at the gym," I asked Cole as he sat up straight.

He stared at his ankle. "Ask Miles" he shrugged.

"C'mon man, today is not the day to be on her bad side" Miles groaned.

Cole glanced at me. Finally recognising that i was dressed up. " And why is that Miles?" he asked.

Miles knew of the plan. I told him because I wanted to make sure that if I got the tickets that their schedule wouldn't let the tickets go to waste.

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