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The desperate feeling of needing a wee woke me up. I stumbled out of bed and headed to the bathroom. The distant sound of people talking had me thinking as I did my business.

Was he still here. I vaguely remember him carrying me upstairs after my head felt heavy. I pulled my hair up into a ponytail and headed downstairs to see.

Whilst everyone was engrossed in their phones and the tv. Cole's eyes snapped over to mine, he must have heard me coming, that or he was waiting for me.

" you're still here?" I asked him. His eyes softened as he stood up. " yeah unless you would like me to leave"

" no!" I exclaimed, "I mean I don't mind you staying" I said calmly this time. I heard Cherry scoff to my left as she watched me.

Cole looked surprised at my sudden outburst but carried on like that didn't just happen. I was thankful that he decided to just ignore it.

" what have I missed, what is the plan" I asked taking a glass of water from the table. Mom simply smiled but went straight to typing on her laptop. My dining table looked like something out of a CSI series.

Cole ran his fingers through his hair." Well I'm heading to the police station tomorrow morning with Jason. We're going to bring this to the officer on the case" Cole says.

" Would you come with me, I know you said that you wouldn't help me anymore but I just need you there with me" the slight crack in his voice was enough to tear me apart.

Cole coughed to get rid of the shakiness in his voice.

" what time do you need me Cole" I whispered.

Cole looked surprised but what did he expect. Ever since we met all I have done is try and help him, it wouldn't be easy to just stop now, no matter how much I tried.

" 10 in the morning" Justin said from the table. Hmm, that still gave me time to get a good enough sleep.

" Cole, come here for a second" My mother called for him. I smiled softly at Cole urging him to go. I decided to go to the kitchen and get a snack.

My eyes found the oreo's sitting on top of the counter. I bent down and grabbed a bowl and started to break the oreo's into the bowl before adding a little bit of milk.

My guilty pleasure right here. " all these snacks must go straight your hips, god damn" Cherry commented standing in the doorway to the kitchen.

" don't act like you don't do this secretly, I've seen what you order at archie's"

Cherry was a skinny girl but she had curves like me. She was definitely gifted in her top more than her bottom though.

" that was only because I had my period" she mumbles looking away. I just laughed as I placed the milk back into the fridge.

She hasn't convinced me.

" Cole seems better, are you going to forgive him or what" I turned to stare at her, my spoon cracking the oreos into smaller pieces.

" can't I do things in my own time" I replied.

Cherry walked further into the kitchen, she poured a glass of water before adding a few ice cubes inside.

"sure you can I'm all for that but I've got girls waiting to make their move on your man so maybe work double time" she says. She glanced at me without moving her head, waiting for my reaction.

I turned to face her. " Are you trying to piss me off" I asked her.

" I'm not I just think the longer you leave it the worse it gets you know. I am completely on your side and I guess that was low of me to do" I'm glad she realised that. For the last few days Cherry has done nothing that made me doubt her but this was the first time I did doubt her.

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