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"You know, I think I took advantage of the time when you were not together, you guys are just being rude" Miles commented from behind us. Cole's hands tightened as we finally broke apart.

I leant in and kissed one final time before reluctantly sitting down next to him. Me and Cole had just finished at the police station a few days ago. It was incredibly weird to see Cole this nervous but this is his future we are talking about and I understood why he was so scared.

But Cole was great, I was really proud of him.

His coach could not let him back on the team unless all charges were dropped but he was allowed to sit on the bench and still be somewhat of a captain for his team.

" James, what the fuck are you doing get on the court" Their coach barked at a guy standing near the door to the sports hall.

" guys shut up, something happening next doo..." James didn't have time to finish as the doors busted open. I watched with widened eyes as three officers stepped into the sports hall and pushed past James who was nursing his arm from the impact of the door.

I squeezed Cole's hand, scared about what could happen. Only instead of coming over to find Cole they walked straight passed and heading through the other door which led to the dance studios.

" no fucking way" Jaspar gasped dropping his cheeseburger and standing up. He grabbed his phone and rushed up behind the officers.

Cole grabbed me back. " we shouldn't, if they are here for Montana we should stay away and not make trouble" Cole tells me.

Damn it, I so desperately wanted to see.

At least Jaspar would be able to let us watch what happens in there. I waited patiently for those doors to open again. 20 minutes later the officers stepped out, only now did I realise that one of them was Cherry's boyfriend. I opened the group chat and saw cherry sending a bunch of gifs. I had to laugh, she clearly knew that this was going to happen.

Following behind the officers was Montana. She kept her head down as she was escorted out. All of us were stunned to silence.

" wait there she is, she was the one that attacked me she gave me this bruise" my eyes snapped over to her when I heard her loud annoying voice scream out. I found her pointing at me.

"you did?" Cole asked me. I shook my head only to freeze and lower my head. I only slapped her on the cheek. One of the officers walked over.

" wait wait, that's not true we were there. She slapped her but that bruise isn't from Alexis" I was surprised when the other dancers came to my defence.

The officer seemed to have gotten irritated. " we have more pressing matters than this high school drama. In future keep your hands to yourself miss" he said towards me. I saw Montana gape behind the officer.

" Mr Hamilton" he nodded at Cole. Just before leaving the hall.

"HOLY FUCK" Jaspar exclaimed as he practically bounced back inside.

I turned to Cole only to find his head in his hands, his shoulder shaking almost like he was crying. I placed my hand on his shoulder only to let go once I notice his coach kneel down in front of Cole.

" Hey guys lets give him some space," I said standing up. I kissed his shoulder before moving further into the court and messing with the guys.

My eyes kept going back to Cole only for a basketball to hit straight in the back practically knocking me over. " Miles you fucker, that hurt " I exclaimed rubbing my back.

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