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Since that night i tried my hardest to give myself the time to stop and just focus on starting university. Albeit away from my roommates and the boys who have made it their mission to make every chance encounter the most awkward. I wanted that alone time but unfortunately I have been practically forced to spend time with them all.

Montana didn't want me to feel alone so she invited me to every single gathering they had. Right now, I'm regretfully sitting in the closest costa to where I live away from everyone.

I appreciated them trying to make me feel better, but I actually do want some time for myself. Tana and Cole need time alone without me there. Cole has been really nice, and I guess this is his way of apologising for whatever happened between us. He seemed to want to shove it all to the back of his mind and weirdly enough, I felt the same.

I groaned when I saw her name on my screen. I escaped the house when she was fussing over Cole, apparently, he hadn't been acting normal over the last few days. Refusing to stay over or have Tana over at his flat. It was dangerous to have so much faith in an early relationship, just a week into your first year of university.

But I can't blame her or Kim for enjoying the attention.

I knew why Cole was acting weird but I refused to get myself involved.

I help at the sports centre and run one of the clubs in the evenings and I overheard the guys talking about it. They also wanted my personal opinion on it all and I gladly gave them mine. Cole had an older brother who sadly passed away a few years ago. He killed himself in the bathtub when he was battling cancer.

I didn't want to tell Montana because it's not my place to say, I've already been accused once of spreading rumours about him.

No doubt Cole is keeping some distance, I can't even come to understand what he must be going through. I've only lost my grandmother and even though I saw her twice a year, it still hurt when she passed.

I picked up my things and met her and Kim in the university restaurant. I wasn't surprised to see Kyle and Jasper sitting with them. There is no secret that Kyle and Kim have something going on. They can make up a story of them doing music together, but I know what I can see.

Making music together , the kind of music that Kim likes. They may as well be making love in their music.

"brilliant, you brought the brains," Jasper says grinning at me. This guy has been trying to kiss my ass all week. He's the one that started all this mess with me and Cole. He was the light of the group, I couldn't help but let out a small smile at his random comments.

I nodded sitting down.

Tana pushed a cup of coffee in front of me, I smiled at her grateful, but I knew that she clearly wanted something from me.

As soon as I took my first sip, Tana opened up the floor. The whole reason as to why we were here in the first place. Much to my dismay.

" what are we going to do about Cole" she had asked looking around at us all.

I wrapped my fingers around the warmth radiating from the mug. "well you've been with Cole a lot so what do you think you should do" I answered almost bluntly. Lord knows why she's asking for my advice like I would know him any better.

I'm barely on civil terms with the guy after he was helpful to me the night I came back with a busted lip and bruises from a crazy girlfriend.

We all looked over at her waiting, but she didn't have anything. She looked lost almost.

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