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"Are you seriously still asleep baby, it's the afternoon already" I heard Cole's obnoxiously loud voice this morning. Well maybe it wasn't actually that loud but since I'm still half asleep it feels like he's got a speaker in my room that's booming his voice out to me.

I grumbled as I turned over in my bed. Why was he even here?

" please go away, I barely got any sleep last night" my fault completely but I hadn't had anything planned for the day so I thought staying up most of the night watching Netflix series wouldn't hurt.

I felt the blanket being lifted and the bed dipping. I instantly reached out and wrapped my arm around him. Hmm, this is nice maybe he will stop bothering me and just sleep with me.

" do you remember me telling you that I was going to tell your parents today" Cole whispered, his lips tickling my ear.

My eyes slowly opened. I automatically remembered the conversation me and Cole had whilst eating from a box of dominos in the park.

" right now?" I asked looking up. I was surprised to see Cole looking so clean and well dressed.

Now that I've finished uni I haven't really been doing much. Occasionally I would hang out with friends but I spent most of my time working at the bakery.

Cole was concentrating on basketball, trying to redeem his reputation and work with his coach on a one to on basis. His coach didn't mind me coming at first but now he asked for me to stay away so that Cole can be the best he can.

I agreed that it was in Cole's best interest.
" Lexy, you know I'm a busy guy and I want to do this properly. I'll speak to them and you can join me after you change hmm" Cole pulls at my pyjama top already helping me out of it.

I watch his eyes move to my now hardened nipples. Before he could lean down I held his head away and reached for the shirt he tossed over the side of the bed.

" you're not speaking to my parents with a dirty mouth" I mumbled finally getting out of bed.
I quickly leaned over and kissed his lips. " good luck" I whispered before heading into the bathroom. There is only so much control in me to stop Cole.

I spent a good 10 minutes in the shower and threw on some jeans shorts and a small jumper. As I made my way into the living room I saw Cole sitting on the sofa opposite my parents.

" Cole we can't possibly accept this" my mom said sliding over the tickets Cole had brought over.
Cole send me a look almost to say help him but I had already explained to him that they would make it difficult.

" yes you can, I wanted to treat everyone for what they did for me. Because of you I have a chance to be on a team and playing professional basketball"

When Cole had informed me of his plan I knew that this would be difficult for my parents to accept. Cherry and her boyfriend on the other hand, barely needed any convincing.

Cherry simply took the tickets and lightly kissed Cole on the cheek. She was laughing as I stared at her back with daggers.

"I don't know what to say" my mom commented.
I came round and sat next to Cole. " just say thank you. You could say that I'm the best boy your daughter has ever dated too. That would help"

I went red, the cheek of him.

Dad lifted his head up analysing us. " tickets to Thailand are not going to get me saying that, you need to show us that you are by taking care of my little girl"

I'm pretty sure Cole is now positively regretting his choice of words. My dad was being nice, rather than making a sly comment of what happened with his ex girlfriend.

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