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The consistent knocking on my room door was not something I was excited about at 11 o'clock, a night before one of my biggest exams in my university life.

The last few weeks I've been cramming in my work for the end of year exams and assignments. Cole has also spent a lot of time training. He had his first important game, but his major game is coming up soon.

I shoved the blanket beside me and walked over to the door. I managed to open it, with my hand still rubbing my eyes.

"what's going on" I asked Kim, who stood at my door with Cherry. I wasn't quite sure what she was doing here but I didn't want to suggest anything.

Cherry seemed to mature over the last few weeks which made it much easier to talk to her. Kim seemed to like her too. I was too busy and preoccupied to even care.

"hi" cherry waves from behind Kim.

"Kim?" I ask her again; she knows that I have an exam in the morning and if she knew me well, she would know that she shouldn't be banging on my door.

"look I know you have an exam, but this is an emergency" Kim says walking inside. I watch as she grabs my shoes and a pair of joggers.

I look at her crazily, why does it look like she's kicking me out of my room right now.

"Look, my boyfriend is a police officer and he tipped me off about Cole being charged with the possession of drugs" Cherry says to me as we both watch Kim grab my stuff.

I whip my hand around to her. "what did you just say, drugs?" she nods her head, a look of pity coming across her face.

"no that can't be right, Cole would never" I said already not believing a word she has to say.

"it's true, my bets are that they are going to arrest him tomorrow at uni" Kim says shoving a bag in my arms.

"does Cole know?" I ask.

"yeah, he knows but he's with his parents trying to figure out what to do," Kim says.

I close my eyes and rub my forehead. This seriously can't be happening. The weak of my exam and Cole's big game.

"Well, where are we going?" I asked them.

"Kim held up her keys. Your parent's place, of course, she's agreed to help" she informs me.

Wait, what.

"How am I the last to know about this," I asked them as we walked out of the flat"

Cherry glances back at me. "we did all try to get a hold of you, but you never answered your phone, so we had to drag you out of bed" she informs me with a straight face. I pull out my phone and look at all the missed calls and messages I had left on the phone.

Surprisingly, none from Cole.

The minute we arrived at the house, I noticed one police car was parked outside. When we walked into my home, cherry walked up to a man dressed in uniform and kissed his cheek as he spoke on the phone.

He nodded at me, which I returned.

Dad walked in with a plate of snacks as my mom and jasper sat on the dining table with jaspers laptop open.

"Cole told us not to bother you since you have an exam" Jasper exclaimed to me when I asked about Cole.

"he may murder us if he finds out we woke you up" he adds on. I rolled my eyes; I've done much more intense things with minimal sleep, but I appreciate the thought.

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