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" Please stop moving" Cole whispered from behind me. We were all packed into a car on our way to the house that we all would be staying at for the next few days.

We left London yesterday and only just arrived in Bangkok. With limited space in the car, Cole suggested I sit on his lap since it wouldn't be a long drive to where we were staying.

I think he regrets that now as we sit in traffic. There seemed to be a parade of some sort going on which made it nearly impossible for Cole's father to drive through.

" it's not me, you do know I could have just sat in the other car with the others" I said lifting up so that Cole get comfortable.

" Whatever, just try not to make me hard in the same car as my parents" he groaned.

Cole had been calm and collected when we left England but now that we are here he seemed to be a lot tenser. I just thought it was because a lot was riding on this trip and he wanted to make it perfect.

Thankfully the road cleared up and we were allowed to drive the rest of the way with no more interruptions. I didn't know much about Cole's relationship with the royals here but all I knew was that they were close and they treated Cole like a son.

I read online about how close Cole's mother was to the royals but Cole said that a lot of it was rumours and speculation.

I jumped out of the car as soon as we arrived. The house we were at was beautiful and big. The gardens were even more impressive.

" oh, boy," Cole mutters as a group of kids ran out from the house and charged at him and his parents.

" Here give me that," I said to Cole as I took the bags he was holding. Just in time for Cole to bend down and lift up one of the boys onto his hip.

" Kas, how are you boy?" Cole grinned at the little kid.

I couldn't help but smile at how sweet Cole was with this little boy who seemed to light up as Cole looked at him. I'm not surprised, I can relate.

" Good, mama said you were coming so we baked your favourite cookies" the boy said as he wiggled in Cole's arms.

"We?" Cole asked as he placed him back on the ground. The boy couldn't be older than 5 years old.

" yes Julia helped me, come on we've missed you" Cole was instantly being dragged away. I saw him look back but I waved my hand in dismissal.

We would be fine for now whilst he reunites with whoever is here. I am sure they were excited to see Cole and his parent's again.

" I am guessing that the family is here so I should probably tell you that they don't like PDA. It's not just you, they hated when I would kiss my wife in public" Cole's father said as he helped me with the bags.

" Oh sure, I can understand that" I said walking inside with them.

As we walked inside I noticed Cole speaking with two people who were decked out in formal clothes.

When Cole's mother gripped my shoulder I instantly knew that they were royalty. We made a deal on the plane that she would warn me so that i would know.

" They aren't the king and queen but rather the sister of the king and her husband," she whispered.

I watched as Cole glanced behind us and waved us over.

We all started walking further into the house and Cole started to introduce us.

" These are my friends from university"

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