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" Don't make it obvious cherry" I exclaim pulling her back. She glared at me as I tugged at her long hair but she needed not to make it so obvious.

" why not. I'm allowed to stare" she replied turning to face where I was. I watched Cole standing with a beer bottle as he introduced this unfamiliar face to the group.

Tonight was a small party, more of a celebration for Cole. The word got around campus about Montana getting arrested and the rumours of the charges being dropped against Cole. Kyle organised a party at the union in honour of that.

" oh fuck, he is hot" Cherry said finally feasting her eyes on the new guy that just walked in.

It was clear that he was Asian, my guess would be half Korean mixed with something else. All of a sudden our view was blocked as Rylan stood in our way holding out two cups. At the exact same time me and cherry grabbed him and moved him out of the way.

" you both have boyfriends right" he said as he turned to see who we were looking at.

" we are only looking" Cherry says as she takes the cup, not once did her eyes leave him.

I was confused as to why I've never seen him since Cole seems close with him. He wasn't crazy confident but that just made him more attractive.

" oh fuck, we've been exposed" I whisper turning my head when both cole and this new guy turned around.

" more like you have, at least my boyfriend didn't just see me staring at the new guy" cherry said pushing me.

Fuck, she is right.

Unfortunately for me they started walking our way. Kyle and jaspar following behind them. I could see Kyle's eyes searching for kim.

I really had no idea where that girl was.

" girls, would like to introduce you to Sean. Sean, this is Cherry and my girlfriend Alexis" Cole said introducing us. Cherry stepped forward going in for a hug. My eyes moved to Cole who looked at me with a smirk. Okay I get it, claiming me in front of the cute guy, well played.

Sean smiled at Cherry before moving to me. " Hey Sean, nice to meet you where are you from?" I asked giving him a relatively short hug.

" Surrey but if you're asking where I'm from originally I grew up in seoul until I was 10"

See I told you he was Korean.

" oh cool, so how do you know Cole. My boyfriend didn't mention you" I said smirking as I sipped from my cup.

Sean glanced at Cole. " Not long, we just met earlier when I came to check out the team. I heard that some other shit has been going on so I don't expect him to talk about me" he said. I was impressed, he seemed like a lovely guy.

A little too nice.

" you thinking of joining the team?" cherry asked.

" if the captain will have me" he replied sneaking a glance at Cole who seemed to be watching us carefully.

I pushed off the table and walked next to Cole. I sneaked my hand around his waist and kissed his cheek. He leaned into my body but didn't look at me.

" what are you losers doing standing here, I thought we were having a party" Kim sang as she stumbled towards us. Kyle was just in time to catch her before she made a disaster of herself.

" oh hey pretty boy" she said staring up at Sean.

Sean grinned. " Hey yourself, I'm sean" he says introducing himself to the drunk girl who will probably forget what his name was tomorrow.

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