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 I rounded the lunch table and sat next to Cole. “ you okay” i whispered as i sat down making sure to run my hand across his back. 

He looked over at me silently nodding. I could see that he was tired but he decided not to show it but its not like i wasnt going to see the difference.

His training has increased majorly so we only see eachother for an hour at a time. 

“ so you thought not even touching her would make it better” Miles commented as he bit out of his subway sub. Kyle nodded jamming a pencil into the table. 

“ Let me guess, shes even more mad now” cole said looking at his best friend with regret.

Whatever pep talk that they gave kyle did not work.
Kim didnt even stay around for lunch like she normally does. 

When kyle got the news about how kim used to be in a abusive controlling relationship he realised he fucked up and decided to not even touch kim. Kim was pissed. 

Kyle nodded. “ you idiot” i mumbled. 

I felt kyle grab my wrist, “ what do i do, you knew her better than anyone” i looked down at his hold on my arm, it didnt hurt or anything but cole instantly slapped his hand away and brought my hand down to his lap. 

I grinned. 

“ i need a girlfriend” miles mumbled. 

“Look, you made a mistake and made another one by trying your hardest to not touch her. She thinks that you dont want her  now, look the guy made her feel useless as a woman so you're reaction has only made it worst which is why she's deleting pictures of you off her phone” i said remembering the moment i saw her crying as she did exactly that. 

Kyle jerked his face upto mine. “ shes doing that?” 

“ I dont know what will solve your problems but i do know that you both love music. I would say go see her and start making music, maybe that way she can understand exactly what you're feeling” i said to him. 

I felt cole squeeze my hand. 

“ and tell her that youre not her ex” cole added. 

“Okay i will do that” kyle said. 

I was under the impression that kyle was going to do it now but he didnt move from his seat. 
I gave miles a kick under the table. He stared at me as i nodded over at kyle.

“ what are you still doing here man” Alex another friend of the guys said placing his hands on kyles shoulders. 

Kyles eyes widened before jumping up. “ right, thanks guys thanks alexis” he said as he through his stuff inside his bag and ran out to find Kim who was probably in her room wiritng music. 

“ Hey cole you coming to practice “Alex nodded at cole. I looked over and watched cole smile. “ yeah be there in 5” Alex nodded as he walked away. 

Miles followed after alex and left me and cole alone. 

“ didnt you have practice this morning” i asked him as i ran my fingers through his hair. 

He closed his eyes briefly. “ yeah but i need to train for the scouts” he said resting his hea don my shoulder. He kissed my shoulder gently. 

“ do you want me to wait for you, we can have a lazy night tonight?” i said. 

He opened his eyes again and lifted his head. “ im not sure, i don’t want you waiting for me” he said. I knew that there was no point in arguing he hates that I wait for him when I could just go home. 

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