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"I thought that you were going to be with Cole tonight," Kim says to Tana as they sit on Kim's bed. I tried not to listen in as I read my book that I needed to do research on for my class.

From the corner of my eye I watched her shrug" and miss the party, no thanks. I'm surprised he didn't want to come with me in the first place" she said picking at her jumper sleeve. I nearly choked on my own saliva hearing those words.

Kim peeked at me mouthing what the fuck to which I just shrugged my shoulders. I've learnt my lesson and I'm keeping out of their business.

"Kyle said that today's his brothers anniversary surely you would understand that he doesn't want to party" Kim suggested her eyes serious with the idea of Cole suffering today probably remembering his brother. I think all our hearts go out to Cole on a day like this.

" I didn't know that; he doesn't really talk about his brother to me" she confessed. It wasn't a big surprise really from what I know he has been quite distant about his whole brother situation.

"still, you should at least " I made the mistake of speaking up.

"you know what Alexis, if you want to be there for him so badly then go, stop fucking getting on my case about it" Montana snapped at me her eyes glaring back at me. I wasn't even the one moaning.

I couldn't understand the anger, but I was too bored of her attitude to even question it. Only a few days ago she was apologising to me and now she's just back to her bitchy self.

I raised my hands " it's not about me wanting to be there for him it's about knowing what the right thing to do is" I told her, I brushed past her causing her eye makeup to look less than perfect finally.

I don't understand why it bothered me so much, but I knew that getting Involved was not something that was in my best interest.

I spent most of the night in my room. I heard Kyle come into the flat not long ago they were in the kitchen listening to music.

It honestly baffles me how different Kim and Montana are, I hated to think that I would assume Kim to be more of the bitchy girl. Montana seemed so nice when I met her I really thought we would get along.

"Hey girl, what you are hiding in here for" Kim said walking into my room with Kyle right behind her. I mean I had the door open so that usually meant I didn't mind people just randomly walking in. I would never leave the door open if I was doing anything private.

"I wasn't hiding" I said closing my textbook and sitting up on my bed. They gave each other a mutual look. One that I didn't want to know the meaning of. "just avoiding Tana" Kyle grinned sitting cross legged on the edge of my bed.

"well, we came in here to ask if you wanted to join us" Kyle said.

"Yeah and be a third wheel no thanks, I have to get more work done tonight anyways so you guys feel free to go without me" I told them. It was nice of them to think about me and invite me but at the same time I'd rather do uni work than follow them two all night.

"Not like that Lexis, we were going to find Cole. Cole may say he's okay, but I think he needs some company especially on this day" Kyle said.

"we're not friends you know, I doubt I'm the one he wants to spend time with" we haven't been on the greatest of terms recently and plus, Kim should know that I need to keep my distance.

Kim was pleading at me with her eyes. She obviously knew that Kyle wanted to do this for Cole and a part of me wanted to go see Cole not because of selfish reasons but rather because I know that deep down he is not okay.

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