Epilogue Part 1

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Epilogue part 1

6 months later

" Look Simba, your boy can only drive so fast on the motorway so either you calm the fuck down or you're paying for all the speeding tickets that I am about to accumulate," Miles said as we slowed to a stop at the red light leading onto the M1.

I leaned back in my seat annoyed that it was already late. I should have been there already but here I am stuck in the car with Cherry and Miles. I hated that nickname. Miles often called me that when I got angry and would apparently growl at him. But unlike the great Mufasa he said it was more like the growl of Simba.

When I told Cole about it he just laughed, what a supportive boyfriend he is.

" dude, we could have made that light you just didn't want to get too close to that lorry" Cherry piped in from the back.

We were on our way to watch Cole play. Cole had worked hard ever since he left. Him and 4 other boys had created quite an image for themselves and were dominating England basketball. I was extremely proud of him and so was everyone here.

But with popularity comes a lot of female attention. He has made it abundantly clear that he is off the market even with his team suggesting that he plays the part of being a bachelor.

I can't deny it but I've been training hard in the gym over the last few weeks to make sure that I looked somewhat comparable to the girls he is surrounded by.

" girls, you both know how important this car is to me. I'm not getting close to anything for them to roll back and smash my headlights in" Miles retorts as he finally pulls away and speeds down the road.

" fine fine, but just hurry up" I muttered under my breath.

Today Cole and his team were playing a big game in America. It was a charity event however he would be in the eyes of some of the best nba players ever and was here to show off his skills. Cole had invited me but at that time I had an important interview. Due to circumstances I am unaware of it was cancelled. So my visit was going to be a surprise.

After 35 intense minutes Miles had pulled up to the stadium. Cherry and I jumped out of the car with Miles following behind us.

I waved my pass up to the security guy who quickly let us in with an annoyed look since the game was just about to start. We all quickly ran into the stadium and looked for our seats. We were near the court so it wasn't hard to find.

When I saw kyle's familiar blonde hair we ran over. Kim squealed when she saw us and tapped Cole's parents. I moved through aisle before standing next to them.

" you're going to give my son a heart attack" Cole's father said as he gave me a side hug. I hugged him back. " It will be good for his heart rate in the game" I replied to him which forced him to break out in a laugh.

Over the speakers I could hear names being called out as the big screens zoomed in on players practising before the game began. I missed the moment when the teams walked out to the court so I searched the court for Cole.

The moment I spotted him, my heart fell out of my chest. He looked incredible as he held the ball between his arm and side. One of his teammates who I had seen in the promotional posts he posted on Instagram was next to him, whispering into his ear.

Miles nudged me, letting out a squeal.

It was as if it was in slow motion as Cole turned his head to us. His eyes scanned our section before he simply bit his lip. He pushed the ball in his mates chest before turning his body completely in my direction.

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