Part 2

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Part 2 

Epilogue Part 2

2 years later

"Alexis hurry up the uber is already here and I'm not turning up late" Cherry shouted from the stairs. I was still sat on my bed trying to put on my heels. Cherry and Kim had woken up at a ridiculous time to get ready for today but knowing how long and tiring today was going to be I wanted to get as much sleep as I could.

" We won't be late" I grumbled as I finally stood up and looked in the mirror.

The last two years have been the most eventful. Going to university whilst having a baby is not something I recommend but I also don't regret it because I have fallen in love with my little girl. Cole was an amazing father, he always made time for both of us when he could. Either in person or over the phone.

" how many times do I have to tell you that you are a sexy mama Lexi" Kim said as she walked to my room in the house we shared. Cherry also lived with us mainly so that she could come see my little girl.

" not enough times, I look so fat in this dress" I said smoothing my hands over my stomach.

I heard a deep groaned from the next room. " shut up woman, your not fat your body has just changed after pushing a human out of your vagina" Cherry said appearing in my room.

I looked back to the mirror. "I just wish I was as skinny as I used to be"

" can we just leave her" Cherry said turning to Kim.

Kim rolled her eyes. " no" she walked up to me and linked her arm with mine.

" you look beautiful Alexis, this isn't a fashion show this is our graduation and we are all going to go up there and get our degrees. Together" she glares at Cherry with a pointed look.

Kim leaves the air open for a response. " you're right" I mumble.

The girls turn around to leave my room. Only to groan as I say the next few words.

"But Cole's going to be there"

1 hour later

We finally managed to get to the venue where we would be graduating. We all had gotten our gowns and were now seated in our seats preparing for the ceremony.

" Hey mama, you look absolutely petrified" Rylan says as he walks through the seats.

I glared at him. " thanks ry, way to make me feel better"

" where the little rug rat then, is she here yet" Rylan said looking over the other students and over to the section that was for our families.

The plan was for my parents to bring her but since we realised that she won't be able to stay quiet Cole offered to stay with her near the back.

I locked eyes with my parents who sat there patiently waiting with their phones ready. I gave them a quick wave before mouthing her name. My dad pointed towards the back where I saw her jet black hair in little pigtails.

Cole who looked handsome in his suit got her attention as she sat on his shoulders. Her eyes looked down to Cole's before lifting again and following Cole's finger as it pointed at me.

" MAMA!" she screamed as she wriggled on his shoulders. He locked her legs in place before she fell. My hand flew to my mouth. Jesus girly, is she trying to give me a heart attack.

" god damn, I should stop using condoms" Rylan said as he watched her too.

Me and the girl sitting next to Rylan hit him. That was an awful thing to say.

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