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"What are you trying to tell me right now Kim," I said into the phone as I wheeled my suitcase to the taxi area where my uber was probably impatiently waiting for me.

"I, uh I didn't think you were coming back until tomorrow I kind of threw a party" I could basically see her shying away.

I wasn't surprised but when I'm this tired, hungry and generally moody this isn't what I wanted to come home too. My parents were still in Ireland so I couldn't even go to their house.

"There better not be anyone sleeping in my bed right now Kim or I will flip," I said to her before abruptly hanging up the phone.

When I finally turned on the notifications on my phone, I finally concluded that there was a lot of people at my flat right now.

The uber was gracious enough to help me with my bag when we arrived, I slowly made my way up.

When I opened the flat door, I was instantly welcomed to the smell of alcohol and loud music. Two things I really didn't want to be met with the moment i returned back from such a stressful trip. It wasn't completely full of people, but this is definitely way too many people for our small flat right now.

Kim rushed over instantly, she wrapped her arms around my shoulders pulling me tightly against her.

"I'm so sorry lexis, I cleared out your area, there's pizza in the kitchen please forgive me" she pleads with me. Bless her she was scared for my reaction.

I'm not crazy I know that university is meant to be full of big ass parties and getting shit faced.

"It's fine" I said trying to hold back a yawn.

She sent me a grateful smile before leaving me alone. I stumbled into my room shoving my bags into the corner and slumping down on the bed. I can unpack tomorrow.

My Face welcomed the feel of my fresh pillows and I couldn't help but moan into them.

I debated just sleeping like this, but I knew I would seriously regret it in the morning If I slept with my makeup on. If Instagram tutorials have taught me anything it's that you shouldn't ever forget to remove your makeup.

I stood up and reached into my drawer for a makeup wipe and started getting to work and removing the art from my face.

I looked down and saw the once white makeup wipe transform into orange, black red colours.

I barely had my hoodie on over my head when I heard knocks on my door.

Just great.

I decided to ignore it maybe they would just leave if nobody opens it. But the knocking didn't stop, no it was louder this time, whoever it was, they were very persistent.

With a permanent scowl on my face, I opened the door already thinking about what I was going to say to get rid of whoever it was.

"Hey pretty lady" Cole stood before me leaning against my door frame his hand in the position to knock again.

I rolled my eyes before grabbing hold of the door and going to close it.

He looked drunk but that didn't affect his reflexes because he lodged his foot into the door before pushing his body forward forcing me to stand back.

"you're not seriously going to leave a vulnerable boy like myself out here are you Lex" he arched his brow a smirk threatening to escape.

"you seem fine to me, now go away I'm tired" I motioned him to leave but he made no means to move.

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