Part 1 - Hate and Pain...

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Okay...I will be honest here...I didn't change much in this part, I just added 2 - 4 more sentences. But let's be a little more honest...

Your name will be Destiny Andrea Dust, you have dark blue eyes which can turn into red or even black when you are angry, pale skin and black hair which have dark blue color in the ends in front of your face. There is more than just Morro x Reader love. Some characters will find love too, which are my characters. So here is now the thing...Because my phone always writes 'Do, be, gone' or something like that, when I wrote Y/N or E/C etc... I gave you a name and all that... If you don't like it, change it to your liking ! That's all ! Enjoy !

No one's POV.....

It was dark and raining outside, she went home from her 'work', completely done for today. All she wanted was getting home and throw herself into her best friend....the bed. She hated to admit it, but she needed to sleep. She had nightmares about a little boy, who died many years ago...They hunt her every time, no matter what.

They appeared everywhere. In her sleep, by day dreaming, taking naps...just everywhere !
She tried to avoid sleep and all that as much as she can. And then there was something that fills the top of her cask. She lived with the ninja and their Sensei ! Great...just fan - FUCKING - GREAT !! She hated them all, even Sensei Wu. He is the most she hates !

And it has reasons why she does, a very good ones ! She clenched her hands into fists of anger and hate as she thought about the reasons again. Wu showed her, in the past, how much he cared, oh HELL he DID !! He didn't saw, what she saw ! He never liked her ! He and the Ninja think she were heartless, because she never cared about wounds or others' deaths, banished ones and whatever, which were 'close' to them and her. She didn't even cry about Garmadon as he got banished into the Cursed Realm.

The reason is, she can't cry.

She lost feelings. Her soul is breaking. The dark, evil psychopath would break out, if her soul changes into blackness. All the colors her soul had....are gone...
She could only feel hate, thirst for revenge, disappointment, and...she misses....them... she misses everything from the past she had...

"IT'S ALL WU'S FAULT !!", she screamed into the night.

She went insane, after she lost everything what meant something to her.
No matter...guess she still has to walk to the, not - yet - opened tea shop, called 'Steep Wisdom'.
He wanted to open it tomorrow. She growled at the thought of it, helping HIM OF ALL PEOPLE having a tea shop !!

She rather dies painfully and slowly. Kai is the worst of all people, even Jay is now better than anyone. He talks much..yeah, but he left her alone.
Kai didn't. He flirts with her, annoys her, calls her 'cute' names she hated, he stalks her and he even forced her to kiss him 6 days ago !!! It was enough. Time for a change...

'NO ! I won't kill him !!'

'Why not ?'

'He will get his punishment soon enough and that not from my hands.'

She smiled at that thought. With that she went into the shop, in her room and climbed out of her window to the roof. She laid there and looked at the clouds, they were blocking her way to see the stars. She sighed. It stopped raining and she thought about what Garmadon had said to her, before she and the Ninja went on Master - Ass - Chen's - kindergarten - island.

Chen took Garmadon away from her. her only hope to be stable with her soul.

She isn't even from Ninjago, she ran there because her Mom ran here to safe herself. She was 400 years old in her realm. The realm is called: Transylvania. Yes ! She is a vampire, but just half, so nothing can hurt or kill her...almost.

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