Part 35 - Visit

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No one's POV...

After a few hours Destiny woke up by the creaking floor in their room. At first she thought it was Morro, but she felt him laying under her and holding her. Destiny slowly sat up and looked around in the room...Nothing... As she looked at the window she held her breath, shocked and scared. Right there in the window, outside of the house, was a person with red glowing eyes. An evil grin appeared teeth sharp and dangerous. Destiny knew who that was....and it was very bad.

(My own drawing

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(My own drawing.)


Destiny turned around and looked at Morro, who slowly awoke. As he looked at Destiny he sat up.

"What's wrong ?", he asked.

Destiny looked back at the window, it was gone. But they heard breathing. It was INSIDE their room.

"What's that noise...?", Morro asked confused.

Destiny turned around and put her hands over his mouth. After some time she heard the floor creaking, louder. It was coming CLOSER ! Suddenly she saw the darker shadow and its eyes staring at her. She looked back and then around, like she doesn't see the shadow and its eyes.

"I think it was outside. Come stand up, Love. Let's see if the others played a Prank on us."

As Destiny looked back at the place where the shadow stood, it was gone and nowhere else to be found. Destiny let out a breath of relief.

"What was that noise ?", Morro asked again.

"Nothing. Let's go back to sleep."


"Good night."

And with that Destiny fell back asleep. Morro was confused but let it slide anyway and fell back asleep. Little did he know that Destiny wasn't sleeping, but waiting until he slept. She stood up, put on her mask, the clothes appeared on her then too, went to the door and walked down the halls to the exit. As she was on the door for outside, she looked around, opened the door, went outside and closed the door again. Nobody realized it. A bat came to her and landed on her shoulder.

"Hey big guy. What did you bring for news to me ?", Destiny asked softly.

The bat turned around and Destiny saw the letter on the bats leg. She took it and opened it, her eyes widened in shock.

'Watch out from now on. I will get him and kill him. You can't hide and protect him from me forever, Dust. Just you wait~ You'll be mine~'


The bat pressed itself on Destiny's face, then flew off. Destiny went back inside and burned the note. She went back in the bedroom and laid next to Morro, after 3 minutes of thinking he transformed back to his Ghost self and Destiny stroked his hair. With time she fell back asleep.

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