Part 42 - Back to normal

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No one's POV...

"YOU DID WHAT ?!", Soul Archer and Bansha yelled.

"Ghoultar told truth to Morro and Destiny !"

"We don't even know that, Ghoultar !! The preeminent says otherwise ! What if Destiny is fooling us ?!"

Ghoultar sighed and shook his head.

"We all know it true. Ghoultar can't even remember how Ghoultar died...But that...memory gave Ghoultar the knowledge. Preeminent is evil !"

"Guys...Ghoultar is right.", Morro said.

They turned around and saw just Morro, no Destiny.

"Where is Destiny ?", Bansha asked.

Morro sighed and gave them a glare.

"She was here a second ago. You said that Destiny is tempering with you. It hurt her deeply and she wishes to not see you, until you remember again and apologize. Now...can you help me set this up, Ghoultar ?"

He nodded and took the TV from Morro. After some more time, the TV was set up and the tape player too.

"Sit. Now.", Morro growled.

They all sat down and Morro started the video. Ghoultar, Bansha and Soul Archer stared at it in shock. After the tape was over Bansha got another flashback.

In her Flashback...

"We can not let the preeminent tear us apart ! Souly, what do we do now ?! She has the tape...but Morro...Will he ever realize that something is wrong ?", Bansha said in a panic.

"All we can do is wait and hope, Bansha."

"We will die...I am afraid that we kill Destiny this time for real. She would never harm us, even with those informations. We are her family ! Her friends !"

"I know that. We have to try and always remember that she is our family and friend. A band. A team. Unbreakable."

"Souly...I wanna tell you one last thing...before we lose ourselves for a while..."

Archer perked up and looked at her.

"Go on..."

"I...I told Destiny this many times...she said that I should tell you when the time is right...I-I love you Andre. More than a brother or a friend."

Archer stared at her in awe.

"I...I told Destiny that I fell in love with someone and she always said to tell her soon....I was just too scared to say the simple three words...Bansha...I love you too."

They held hands and pulled off their hoods, leaned in and kissed. After the kiss ended they were panting.

"One more reason to force ourselves to remember again.", Bansha whispered then.

Archer nodded.

"I hope Wrayth and Ghoultar figured something out, before they became..."

"...controlled Zombies ? Yeah...I hope so too."

Archer smiled at her, lifted her chin with his finger and kissed her again.

"We will get through this. We went through worse.", he said, winking at her.

Bansha giggled and then were caught and torn apart from Ghoultar and Cowler. Bansha was screaming Archers name, kicking and struggling against them. Archer did the same, until he gave up and just said one sentence.

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