Part 14 - Meeting again...

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No one's POV with the Ninja...

"DESTINY !!", Nya yelled.

Nya ran towards her and hugged her.


Destiny smiled softly and hugged her back.

"You don't need to. It happened 30 years ago. I should have been stronger...."

"Are you really talking with us or is this a dream ?"

"It's real."

"Then where are we ?"

"You are in the 'black void'."

"Black void ?"

"Well yes. Were you ever dreamless ? Then you are in the black void. All this is your mind and brain.", Destiny explained.

She made a big arm movement around the area.

"How come we are all here and dreamless ?", Cole asked.

"I called you here to talk."

"W- What ?"- Jay

"I am a ghost and I can't get back inside my body...As much as I know, my friend told Morro already that I am dead....He...didn't take it very well...he was in great shock...."

"Your friend the masked one ?"

"Yup. I gave him this mission. Tell and watch Morro."

"Where is he ?", Wu asked her.

"Almost at the place where my body remains."

"Almost ?"

"The masked one froze the time around you all. You were the only ones who moved with the time. Morro and my dragon and everything else stood still.", she explained.

"Wow..."- Jay


"What do you wanna talk with us about ?", asked Nya.

"Play along. The masked one tries to change him a little so you get much easier through his head. Show him the recordings you saw. Capture him somehow...and make him, if you don't get him my friend has a copy of it and can show it to Morro."

"Clever..", Wu said amazed.

"I know...but I think it won't work..."

Suddenly the masked one appeared.

"Destiny I don't have much time left...can I unfreeze ?"

"Not now hold on 2 more minutes please."


"Thank you."

"Destiny I need to talk to you, in private !"

"Let's do that tomorrow, okay Nya ?"

"HOW ?!"

"Just take a nap or something tomorrow, I will call you here."


"What are you planning ?"

"I will tell next night. Same time !"

"Destiny I can't hold it much longer !"

"Unfreeze now ! I see you tomorrow...."

With Morro and the others...

After 30 minutes they were on the door to Destiny's cold grave. The bunker was 14 minutes away and the rest took the tasks and traps. There was even an hologram that looked almost like Morro, just in a more nightmarish, shaped, angered version. It gave himself the creeps. They told him it's just to scare others off, keep them away from Destiny.

They all had big, fat coats on, so they didn't freeze to death. Down there it must have been -19 degrees. Morro was freezing in Lloyd's body. As they were on the door, Darko looked at Morro, he remembered why and left Lloyd's body. Then Darko opened the door and they all stepped inside, Morro dragged Lloyd inside.

And there she was.... His beautiful now dead girl of his dreams. Destiny laid on a white table, completely in peace. But he knows, that she will never have peace, mostly because of him.... He teared burned a little, but he didn't care. He ran to her body and hugged her corpse. He didn't care, what the others now think or say to him. She was his.

"I joked....but you...didn't....", said Morro shaky.

"Sorry...", Shimmer said with much regret in her voice.

Something now squeaked slightly, it sounded more like a wipe on one of the walls. Morro looked up and saw letters got written...

'I am<3'

"She is still here ! How can we bring her back to this body and to life ?!", he yelled at Darko.

"Never...", he answered.

"WHAT ?!"

"She got stabbed with her own sword. She can't go back to her body, because the sword cursed her so. Nobody knows how to change that back....", he explained.

Morro stared at them.

"What about a book ? Does one exist with spells inside ?", he asked.

"....There is one. Called: 'The book of Spells'.", Sebastian said.

"It is filled with Dark Magic. But I don't know the owner of it...", he continued sad.

"It belonged to Clouse. Chen's right hand man. He got banished into the Cursed Realm with his own magic, as he tried to banish Garmadon in a fight. Garmadon beat him to it and threw him into his own portal.", Shimmer said with disgust.

"Then let's go search that book and find a Spell !", Morro said with hopes.

Darko, Shimmer and Sebastian looked at each other. Darko stepped a little more forward and said...

"There is the problem, Morro. The book isn't hidden away, nor in any museum. The Ninja burned that book. Lloyd threw it into a little fire and it burned down. It doesn't exist anymore. The only person who knew from some other book was Garmadon and he isn't anymore, how you can see."

"You are joking...right ?", Morro asked with crushed hopes.

"Sorry...", Shimmer said sadly.

Morro looked back at the writing.

'It's okay Morro.'

"If you say so...NO ! I want you here in my arms ! I wanna hug you ! I wanna claim you as mine again ! Kai will pay and the killer too !!"

'That's one reason why I love you. But revenge won't bring me back either. It will just cause you more pain.'


'No, Morro. I don't want a murderer as my man.'

He hung his head down.

"I...I understand..."

'Good boy. I love you. Take care...My friends...farewell.'

"Farewell..."- Darko

"Farewell..."- Sebastian

"Farewell..."- Shimmer

".....F..Fare- w- w-ell..."- Morro

'Morro...I will find a way to come back...I promise...I love you, my little, cute, sexy Moron.'

Morro felt something cold on one of his cheeks...maybe a kiss from her ? He wasn't sure. But if it was, then it probably was their last lovely share.

Lol ! I am laughing right now ! I am sorry I will just shut up ! Later you will understand why I am right now laughing. Also a happy new year !! The internet was gone until now... Blacky out ~

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