Part 22 - The Past can hurt you know ?...

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No one's POV with Darko...

They took a deep breath and said....

"Kill him."

"As you wish.", said Darko.


Darko dragged him to his other 3 men and all his sisters and brothers surrounded them. Darko looked at a very young man, he pointed at him.

"Take him. He is the only one who will survive."

Alex and someone else did as Darko said and dragged him out. They tied him onto a tree and went back.

"Tie these three up and kill them. Kill the leader as the last one, slowly and painfully. I want to hear every scream of him."

They nodded and did as they got told.

Time skip...

After Rogger was half dead, Darko took over. Rogger was the only one left of the three on the trees. Rogger screamed in pain as Darko cut a, sewn looking, smile into his mouth. He then stabbed out his eyes. Just as this was done, he cut out his heart and killed him. The young man of the once-had-been group was terrified. Darko went to him, knelt down and lifted the man's head up with his blood smeared knife. The man stared at Darko's mask scared to death.

"You will go to the police and tell them what you and the others did. I know that you kidnapped, tortured, threatened, raped, stole and killed people. I am not as dumb as I look. You tell the police all your doings and if you dare to say anything about us, I will find and kill you. Understood ?"

The man nodded, stood up and ran away. Darko stood up and chuckled. He turned around and went to Morro, Sally and Tom.

"Now to you two. Jump on these Motorcycles and we bring you home. Right Al ?!"

"Yup ! We will !"

They nodded and did as they got told.

Time skip...

In 2 - 3 hours they arrived at Stiix. Sally and Darko exchanged numbers and became friends, even Tom. They swore to keep quiet. Then Darko teleported with Alex and the Motorcycles out of Stiix. There was someone he didn't want to see again. As he was home, like the others, and I really mean them all in one house, they sat in a circle. Ready to get to know Morro and Soul Archer. Darko and Alex took their seat and they started...

"Who are you ?", one girl with red hair asked.

"I am Morro, the Master of Wind and this is Soul Archer the best archer I know."

"Like....Destiny's Morro ?", a boy with a mask around his mouth asked.

"Yes. That's me....or was... Nevermind ! Who are you ?"

"My name is Anna.", the girl next to Morro said.

She, Anna, had brown eyes and purple hair. Her skin was like all the others, pale.

 Her skin was like all the others, pale

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