Part 36 - What was reality and what not ?

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No one's POV....

Thanks to...

"Darko ! Thank you !"

"No problem. I'll give you a little head start, I can't climb that far with you like that or else we both fall."

Morro nodded.

"Okay !", he said.

Destiny jumped 3 icicles further and then set Morro on the next best icicle, she saw. And suddenly...she disappeared again. Morro continued climbing up.

Time skip brought to you by...Morro and Wu hugging...

It didn't help Morro anyway ! The Ninja made it through the blind man's eye and left Morro behind. Morro is beyond angry ! Suddenly Destiny appeared again and saw Morro pissed off.

"Where were you ?! I needed you !!", he yelled angrily at her.

Destiny took a step back as he came closer. As he stopped walking she hung her head low, but didn't say anything.

"I await an answer !", he yelled.

Destiny went closer to him, until the distance just left a few centimeters, Morro still looked at her pissed off. She then tried to touch him, but her hand went just right through 'his body'. He stared at her in shock, she is a Ghost ! No ! Something else... Destiny took her hand back and waited a few seconds. Then she tried again and this time she could touch him.


He couldn't find the words, nor understand what is happening.

"I am slowly disappearing, Morro..."


"30 years long I took medicine against it..."

She lied. He felt it.

"When will you ever stop lying ? It is new !"

" is because of my got darker again..."

"WHAT ?!"

Morro was confused.

"It will be fine. Don't worry Morro."

She lied again.

"Stop it ! Stop lying to me ! It isn't your soul ! And it won't be fine again ! RIGHT ?!"

Destiny stared at Morro.

'We can't tell him !', Mimi yelled.

'He has to know !', Heiko argued back.

"I don't know, Morro."

This wasn't a lie. He knew it. The Ghosts stared at them. Morro is starting to panic. Suddenly...

"Oh how cute ! Hello Destiny~ Did you miss me~?"

Destiny jerked around and stared at the flying person.

"Victor !"

"That's right."

"What do you want ?!"

"What do you think ? I want Morro ! He is mine ! And this time I will finish it for ever !!"

The man, called Victor, suddenly had a dagger in his right hand.

"Leave him alone !!", Destiny growled.

"He was never planned to exist here ! I have the right to rid him off of this world, whenever I please ! For ever !"

"No you don't ! Now fuck off !!"

"Morro the backdoor is opened. We have to go !", Bansha informed him.

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