Part 38 - Hidden truths...

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Either that above or this one...

No one's POV...

It was night and Morro was planning on going to the ninjas home. Steep Wisdom. Maybe in her room was something. He needed clues, evidence, hints anything to find out the truth. She lies most of the times to him, what if Destiny lied again ? No rain...good. Morro crept to the couch and saw Destiny wasn't there....Morro shrugged it off and made his way out and to Steep Wisdom, the tea shop.

Time skip brought to you Morro and mini Lloyd playing silly games....

Morro was climbing through an open window and as he was through, he realized that this room was Destiny's. He sighed in relief. He quickly started searching through everything in her room. He even put it back again, nice and neat. Then as he was searching through her last drawer he found....interesting material...A very black ninja GI, black armor, black comics (Just joking !), pictures of everyone, notes...

'Notes...hmmm can't hurt reading them...'

Morro sat down on Destiny's bed and read the first note. (I am using our time...not when Ninjago possessed came out. So I use 2020.)

'12th February 1977, I don't know what happened again, but Meroi was very scared and she was crying...I swear if that bastard did something to her again...I will personally kill him. No one hurts my best friend !'

'2nd October 1610, I don't know what to do anymore ! Father is still torturing us and Mother left to her real love and left us behind ! Father is trying to force me to marry someone I don't even know ! Someone named Victor Vipes...I don't get it and I don't wanna marry him !' (This timeline is different !)

"Wait ! Victor Vipes ?!", Morro whisper-shouted.


"Darko...he wants to break us, so you are alone and easy to kill, but not for himself...the demons. And Morro is then all alone and easy to kill too. It's Victor. Victor Vipes. It all makes sense. We all know he wants Morro and other powerful beings dead."

End of Flashback...

'5th November 1975, Poor Meroi...I will kill him ! That son of a bitch ! Because of him the baby maybe won't survive the birth !! I am so sorry Meroi...'

"Hey that is my date of birth. I came on the exact same day, month and year...", Morro mumbled to himself.

'6th May 1970, today the baby comes and I have to help Meroi out. God...what happened to her husband ?! At first he wanted a family with her so badly and suddenly he hates her and wants her to abort the kid...even says that he will kill it himself if he has to ! What the hell ?!'

Morro looked at it strangely.

'21st July 1982, today I have to...say goodbye like the kids to her mother...It is too risky to let her visit them...I am so sorry you three...'

'24th July 1982, I have to erase from one kid the saw everything and nobody knows if it still lives...Not eating, drinking, showing its face...not talking, not letting anyone inside...'

'25th July 1982, oh god I feel so bad what I did today ! I took the memories of the kid and it looked me in the eyes with...betrayal, hurt, hate and with the questions..."Why did you lie to me ? Why are you doing this to me ? Aren't we friends anymore ?"....I am so sorry little one ! I erased me and the others from its mind is better that we never meet again...Goodbye little one...'

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