Part 40 - Faked Memories...

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No one's POV...

A few more weeks went by and Morro had no idea how to tell Destiny that he broke into her room in Steep Wisdom, just to find out more and he eavesdropped on her too. It was night and Destiny and he cuddled together. He swallowed hard and then looked at her. Morro pushed Destiny away from himself and then looked into her eyes. She was confused at first, then suddenly worried.

"What is it, Morro ?", Destiny asked him worried.

"I am sick of hiding things from you. I have to tell you something, please don't hate me after that."

Destiny looked at Morro confused but nodded her agreement. Morro took a deep breath.

"That night, as I called Lloyd a brat and you ran into the bathroom...I eavesdropped on you. After you told Lloyd everything, I was worried that you may be right and tell the truth about our friends. Since the plan was official...they acted different and....weird. Andre didn't even remember what his favorite fruit was. I decided to find it out on my own and broke into your room in Steep Wisdom. I found the tape and...notes...interesting notes...I watched the tape it true ?", Morro blurted out.

Destiny's eyes widen in shock and terror. She looked down, on the very good looking ground.

"Yes. It is true. All of it. That tape came 1 day before you arrived.", Destiny sighed.

Morro nodded, noting it.

"How will we tell them that ?"

"I...I don't know..."

"Why did you never tell me that we had another kid in the monastery ?"

Destiny snapped her head back up.

"W-what ?"

"There was another kid. Born on the same date as me, but I never saw them."

Destiny sighed and stared at him.

"Time I tell you the truth, eh ?"

"Truth ? Do tell."

"There never was another kid."

Morro looked at Destiny confused. Destiny looked down and took a deep breath.

"I probably never told you this, feeling was always missing. It was gone, until you came into my chaotic adventure, called my life. I never had felt love, like you teached me. I just felt the need of protecting those, who are dear to me, who I care for. I also didn't just search you for myself, I also did it, because I made many promises to your mother, one of those were to tell you the truth, when the time has come. I made them to her, to protect you from what will come for you."

"What will come ? What truth ? You're not making any sense."


Morro looked at Destiny in silence.

"Please don't interrupt me.", Destiny said.


"The family you had was, except for your sister, not your real family. They were your adoptive family."

"WHAT ?!"

"Your true parents were Meroi Wind and Victor Vipes. The same one, who almost killed me."

Morro was left speechless. He just listened to Destiny and she knew he would, so she continued.

"Your sister was older than you and with that the first, Victor wanted Meroi to kill her. But like you saw, she didn't kill her. Back then, I knew it all from the beginning. I helped her with your sister since the beginning. I helped her as she gave birth, I made your sister invisible for her, so your father never saw your sister. I made another spell so only Meroi and I can hear your sister screaming, for Victor it was nonexistent. I gave your sister a new home. With time, Meroi couldn't protect her anymore and gave me the mission, to search for a new home for your sister. After months I finally found a family who gladly took her in. Then was, at first, 5 years nothing going on between Victor and Meroi. Later one day Victor, like last time by your sister, raped Meroi. And with that you came into existence. Of course Meroi told me that panicked, at first."

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