Part 21 - Killtime...

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(Okay ! Before you scream ' OH MY GOD BLOOD AND MORE NIGHTMARISH THINGS !! I BETTER SKIP THIS !!' Don't worry. There is no such thing written. Nothing too horrifying. So chill. Green zone for you all. I swear. I added a picture in the last chapter Heiko and hunting all together... Go check it out if you want ! On with the story now !!)

No one's POV with Morro...

"We also think that ! Oh ! I almost forgot ! Your name is Ant for now ! So nobody knows your real name, Got it ?!", Darko said.

"I got it !", Morro said.

"And Soul Archer's name is Bow !"

"Got it !", yelled Soul Archer.

"Good !", Darko said.

After 15 minutes more they all stopped behind Darko, because he stopped.

"We are on our destination ! Now listen to me guys ! Show all the men no mercy ! These are the guys, who attacked Destiny once and almost raped her. Make their life hell and then kill them. Got it ?", Darko said, like he was their leader.

"Got it !", they all said at the same time.

"Great then put your masks on and hide, until I give you a sign to attack."

They all nodded and did as they got told. Darko grabbed Morro and Soul Archer by their hands and dragged them behind a big rock. Morro and Soul Archer stared at Darko in shock.

"What ?", he asked them.

"H-how can you touch us ? No human being can touch us.", Morro said shocked.

Darko chuckled.

"After our killing season I will tell you, home. Not now."

They nodded and Darko turned around. There, in the middle of nowhere, was a bar. They watched as 12 people exited. Two were way behind them, looking afraid to the other men. One was a woman and the other a man, the two forced people.

Darko lifted his hand for them all to see, except the 12 people, and they waited. Suddenly he formed a fist. They all sprung out of their hiding spot and the 12 people stopped. The 10 men laughed.

"Look guys, Some teens, who try to scare us. Go home you little brats ! Or I will make you !", One of the men, the leader, said.

"D-don't p-provocate t-the-se p-people, Rogger... Th-ese a-aren't k-k-kids o-or t-t-teens ! THESE ARE THE MURDERERS NOBODY ESCAPES ALIVE !! THE POLICE NEVER CATCHED ONE OF THEM !!", the forced man said scared.

"And nobody has a phone with them, and even is no signal !", the woman said panicked.

The 10 men laughed again. The leader, Rogger, went to the woman.

"Shut up slut !"

He tried to slap her across the face. Darko then teleported in front of the man and caught his wrist.

"That's no way to treat a beautiful, clever and attractive woman like herself. Don't you think, motherfucker ?", Darko said.

The man widen his eyes and tried to take his wrist out of Darko's grasp, only that Darko grabbed it harder with every move the man made.

"Let me go you freak !", the man yelled angry.

He moved his hand more until.... SNAP ! The man screamed in pain as Darko broke the man's wrist. Darko let go and the man stumbled backwards. He stared at Darko's mask angry.

"How dare you ! I will teach you brat a lesson to not mess with me ! Boys, attack him !"

The man looked back at his friends and saw their shocked faces.

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