Chapter 1: First Day

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"Eleanor! Come on! You're gonna be late!" I hear my mother yell from downstairs as I continue to fix my brown waves in the mirror before me.
"Yeah yeah I'm coming!" I yell back, taking one last look in my reflection before racing down the stairs and grabbing my bag from the counter.
I try and hurry past my mom but she stops me before planting a kiss on my cheek. "Bye El, have a good day." She says as I pull away from her and wipe my face from her wet kiss.
"Yeah yeah," I reply before waving her bye and rushing out the door towards the sidewalk where I start my walk towards the school only two blocks away.
A little bit about myself before we go any farther. My name is Eleanor Jones and I'm 18 years old, going into my senior year at my new school. We had to move away from my old home because my dad lost his job. Anyways, I have wavy brunette hair and green eyes. I'm not very tall and don't really have any hobbies. I'm just trying to get past high school and graduate already.
I finally spot the school and the many students walking into it with either friends or loved ones by their sides. Heaving a sigh, I walk across the parking lot, alone, before entering the building, other students eyeing me funny as I do so.
As I make my way down the hall, I notice the stereotypes swarming around me. A group of glamour girls in the corner eyeing the guys in rugby shirts who were supposedly hot and jacked. I turn my head to find a group of goth like people gossiping about some band I had no idea was.
"Aye Rog! Don't get yourself a detention on the first day you dumbass." A voice behind me yells as a blonde in a leather jacket and jeans runs past me. A cigarette was in his mouth and a pocket knife was in his hand, pretending to threaten other students.
I look behind him to find three other boys. A tall curly haired one with his hands stuffed into the pockets of his leather jacket that they seemed to all share.
'The bad boys.' I think to myself as I inspected the others.
"Jesus Rog, you're so fucking stupid." A black haired fellow with tan skin comments to the blonde before jokingly whacking the back of his head and laughing. He was a bit taller than the blonde and had a very distinctive face but his sunglasses covered his eyes.
"Shhh, Freddie Freddie, teacher..." the long brown haired one mumbles pointing to a man in professional clothing walking down the halls. They all begin to laugh as the teacher passes them. He too had a cigarette between his lips as they all continued to walk down the hall, people moving out of the way as they passed. I also move out of the way against a locker, not wanting to start trouble.
Suddenly, the black haired boy turns to look at me before pulling a stern expression. I notice everyone around me backed away and watched as he approached me. I get as close to the lockers as I can as he nears closer and closer until he was only a few inches away from me.
"Well?" He asks crossing his arms and sliding the glasses from his eyes and shoving them in his pocket.
I look at him with confusion all over my face. "Well, What?" I ask, unsure of what he was talking about.
"Your blocking my fucking locker," He replies allowing me to quickly grow red and step out of the way. He just watches as I move away, the other boys slowly coming over to join him. "Who the hell are you anyways?" He asks, students beginning to chatter as I continue to burn red.
At this point, I was basically surrounded by the four bad looking boys. "E..Eleanor..." I reply with a slight stutter allowing them to all break out in laughs.
"So, we got some fresh meat this year." The boy, who I guess was Freddie, says with a devilish smirk across his face. "Well Eleanor, you better fucking watch your back..." He mutters before turning back to his locker while I quickly run off towards my locker which was thankfully on the other side of the hallway.
Everyone began to talk again once they found other things to gossip about. I embarrassedly shoved all my belongings in my locker and pulled out what I needed for first and second period before quickly making my way to the classroom.
I end up finding the room and immediately taking a seat closest to the back. Suddenly the bell rings and students from the halls begin to rush into class, taking their seats as needed.
     Just as class was about to begin, a group a very familiar boys walk in laughing and joking around with each other before being told to take their seats. I try my best to hide myself from them as they chat with girls, even the blonde was stuffing faces with one of them.
     "Okay Class, welcome to a new school year. I expect all of you to know the expectations, I'm looking at you Mr. Taylor." She says eyeing the blonde who just blows a kiss her way before she continues. The class giggles at his actions as he looks around pridefully. "Anyways, lets get started with a little quiz to see how much you remember from the previous years." She announces allowing the class to let out a groan in annoyance.
      As she passed out the tests, I see the boys snickering and occasionally looking back at me with smirks on their faces. I try my best to ignore them as I took the quiz. As I took it, I couldn't help but notice how good looking they actually were.
     'What the hell? They are literally a gang! Don't fucking fall in love now El!' I say to myself before getting up and handing my quiz into the empty basket as I happened to be the first one done.
     'This is gonna be a long school year.'

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