Chapter 29: Gone

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     He hits the ground as I hold his throat in my hands, squeezing as hard as I could. "Ana stop! He's not worth it!" Freddie calls out, holding my arms and trying to pry them away from his red face.
     "He killed him...he fucking killed him! I don't give a shit if he dies too!" I shout at the leader who finally pulls me away from him and holds me as tears run down my cheeks.
     Michael sits up, coughing and gasping for air while his teammates watch with disgust. "What're you all doing? Fight back!" He orders the gang who just sits back with a scowling look on each of their faces.
     "You went low mike. You fucking killed him you sick freak." Jackie mutters, going over to me and also hugging me from behind. "I'm sorry Ana. We never knew his intentions." He says before breaking the hug and going over to his mates. "Fuck you Mike, we quit."
     "What?! You can't fucking quit a gang idiots!" He shouts, standing up and marching over to them as they all gather into their car.
     "We just did, fucker." Marlon replies before backing up and driving away from the scene, leaving Michael where he was. My heart was beating faster as I rewinded what had just happened.
     "I had him. He was in my grasp and...I dropped him." I mumble, pulling away from Freddie and slowly making my way towards the edge spattered with blood. "Oh Roger..." I whisper, looking down to the flowing rapids that were probably carrying his body towards the ocean where it'll finally rest.
"Love, everyone's loading up in the car." I hear Brian's voice say behind me as I feel his hand hold my arms in a gently hug from behind.
"Okay." I whisper, holding onto his arm and following him away from the bridge.
The car ride was quiet and filled with sorrow. My mind knew the truth, I just don't think my heart could take it. Freddie slide his shades on as he begins to slowly tear up.
     'I wished I could've kissed last time.'

     When we arrived at the house, I immediately went over to his room where I bathed in his glorious scent. I squirmed in his bed, trying to collect all I had left of him while I silently wept.
     'This was where he first kissed me.' I thought as I held the sheets closer to me. My mind had nothing else to do, my body was no longer purposeful, and my heart was now shattered.
I had never thought it would come to this. The first thing that came to my mind was I would dump him but, we always seemed to keep it together somehow.
     'This isn't real.' I thought as I cried into his scented pillow. 'He..he'll come back.' I try to assure myself but it was no use. My whole body was still in shock and confused.
     'Please come back...'


     1 week later
     "Alright, class dismissed." Our teacher says as the bell rings and we all rise from our seats. I was one of the last ones out as people all around me quickly gather their things before leaving for the weekend.
     As I slowly turn the lock on my locker, I see Brian lean against the locker next to mine. "Hey, we'll wait in the parking lot for you if you want." He says as I finally manage to open my locker.
     Placing my books on the small shelf, I look over at him for a split second before closing it again. "Actually, I'll meet up with you guys later. I have to go home first." I mumble, forcing a small smile as I do so.
     He returns it with another fake smile before nodding and going back over to the others. Dropping the smile, I drag myself down the hallway and out the doors into the autumn breeze.
     It danced through my hair as I trudged down the sidewalk towards my home that I haven't been in a few days. I had been staying there of weekdays but on Wednesday, I couldn't be alone, I had to stay at the other house with them.
     Eventually, the house came into view and I gathered up the courage to enter it even though I knew my parents would come after me with questions. And that's exactly what happened.
     After I closed the door behind me, I heard footsteps rushing over to me before my mom wraps her arms around me. "Oh El, where have you been?!"
     "A friend's house for a few days. I just needed to get away for awhile." I reply, breaking away from her grasp and tossing my jacket on the coat hanger beside me.
     They knew what had happened and so far, mom was the only one who actually cared in this house. Meanwhile, my father was drowning in his pride over the fact my bad boy boyfriend was gone.
     I head upstairs to my room before crashing on my messy bed. There was where I looked up at my ceiling, my thoughts racing through my mind. "I need sleep." I whisper to myself, turning over to the slowly setting sun through my window.

     At some point, I fell asleep and awoke around 2 am when I heard a noise. My eyes peered open as the bright street lights illuminated through my window. Something was shuffling outside and it was annoying.
     'It's probably just a raccoon.' I assure myself before laying back down but the noise was getting louder and it sounded as if it was right outside my bedroom window. 
     "Alright that's it." I whisper, opening my eyes and sliding out of bed. Grabbing my pocket knife, I exit my room and make my way downstairs to the front door. There, I went outside and over to where my window was.
     My breathing stopped as I see a man in dark clothes standing at the bottom of a ladder that lead up to my window. "Hey!" I call out, the figures head whipping over to find me. "Who the fuck are you?!" I say, holding out my knife as a threat.
     The figure raises it's hands in defense and walks backwards. "Don't you move!" I order, walking up to it, my knife still in hand. As soon as I reached it though, he was holding it's arms out as if to stop me.
     "Wait wait..." The figure says, covering its hood and black ski mask. My body immediately freezes and my knife falls to the ground at what I saw.

I Want To Break Free [Completed] {Queen as a Gang}Where stories live. Discover now