Chapter 12: Busted

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"Where the hell did you learn that?" Brian asks in a rather loud tone that echos throughout the entire commons area. I spins around and press my finger to my lips.
"Jesus Christ, have you ever snuck into a school before? You're so loud. There could be custodians working right now." I whisper in a anger tone before turning back around and leading them towards the hallway filled with countless lockers.
"Damn Brian, only a few days she's been with us and she's already bossing you around." John whispers behind me making me crack a smile.
"Alright El, you've had your fun. Let the leader lead the way." Freddie whispers, holding my shoulder as he passes me. I roll my eyes in return before following him down the dark hall towards the exit where little lockers stood. He stops in front of 5, rusty looking lockers.
"Here ya go Fred." Roger says, handing each one of the members cans of spray paint. I rummage through my purse for a lipstick before finding an old one I didn't use anymore. 'Perfect.'
"Write whatever the hell you guys want except you pretty." He says pointing to me. "Don't give anything away about yourself.' He explains as I nod my head in return. "Alright, go crazy mates." He says allowing all of us to begin spraying and writing on the 5 lockers.
The sound of spray paint is heard throughout the halls. I draw the word Queen all over this one locker while the others were drawing and writing other notes.
"Freddie? Which ones Michaels?" I ask, having a clever plan in mind. He smiles before pointing to the end locker. I make my way over there while applying a thick coat of the red lipstick on my lips.
Bending down, I place a kiss on the locker, leaving a pair of red lips. Wiping the remaining off my lips, I draw a little heart next to the lips as well as a salutation saying Love, Queen
"Smart." I hear someone comment as I look up to find Roger hovering over me, admiring my work. My cheeks flush red with embarrassment before standing back up and trying my best to avoid eye contact with him. "You missed a spot." He says allowing my eyes to blink up to meet his in confusion. Licking the end of his thumb, he reaches over and gently wipes the corner of my mouth where I had probably missed a bit of lipstick.
"Thanks." I reply, cracking a small smile and brushing a piece of hair behind my ear. 'God his smile will never get old.'
"Alright love birds, we gotta go. Don't worry, you'll see each other again in the car.' Freddie jokes while the other two chuckled. Roger just rolls his eyes before going over to them. I follow behind and take the time to think a bit.
'Does he like me? Well, even if he did, I wouldn't date him. He's legit killed people and other worse things. But, then again, he is really charming and caring.
We make our way to the entrance before exiting and climbing into the awaiting car. "Now, we wait til we see them the next day and we can all have a little chat." Freddie says, starting the car and driving away back towards the city. They all let out a small laugh in agreement.
"That was fun. I enjoyed it." I say, allowing them to turn around and show a prideful smile.
"I knew you would dear. And this is only the beginning. We do a lot of fun shit. We'll make sure to bring you to them more often." Freddie replies, winking at me in the mirror.
I see Roger shaking his head out of the corner of my eye by I choose to ignore it. Brian lights a cigarette and blows a cloud of smoke to be blown away behind us.
"You're one of us now El. Welcome to Queen." He announces, smiling down at me and shooting a wink. I crack a smile at his words before continuing to lean back in my seat between the two boys.
They pull up to my house and park near the curb. I grab my purse and make my way out of the car. Turning back to face them, they all flash a smile before Freddie opens his mouth to say something.
"Give us a kiss darling. Don't be rude." He says motioning over to us. I smile at make my way towards John first. Leaning in, I give him a quick peck on his smiling lips. I then move out to Brian who takes a drag of his cigarette before I kiss him, resulting in him gently releasing the smoke from his lips.
Feeling satisfied with the kiss, I make my way around the car to Freddie before pressing a peck on his smooth lips. Last but not least, Roger Taylor. He stands up in the car before pulling me in for a loving kiss in which brought me shock.
His kiss was more opened mouth than the others, except Brian who blew a cloud of smoke in my face. The kiss was shortly broken though, and he gazed into my eyes while the others rolled theirs.
"Sit done you horny blonde. You'll have your turn when it comes." Freddie scoffs as the other begin to laugh. Roger just glares at them before sitting back down in his seat.
"Alright lads, I'll hopefully see you tomorrow."
"Hopefully? Told ya she loved us." Brian questions, elbowing the pouting blonde. I just shake my head before waving them goodbye and hurrying to my house. The car continued to sit as I approach the door only for it to be opened by my father.
"Oh...hi dad..." I stutter, stepping back in fear of what he was about to say about (or to) the four boys parked outside my house. His eyes narrow on me, then at the boys in the car.
"I thought I told you to stay away from those boys..."

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