Chapter 10: Tattoo

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"Okay, this'll take about 15-20 minutes depending if you move at all." The tattoo artists says as I lay face first on a tilted chair. My hair was pulled back so he was able to have a clean slate right on the back of my neck.
"Brian, did I mention I'm terrified of needles?" I mumble, eyeing him on the chair neck to me. His arm was out while a girl inked a tattoo next to his countless other ones.
"That's why it's on your neck. So you and no one else can see it." He replies, flipping through a Playboy magazine.
"I don't even know what it is!"
"Miss I'm gonna have to ask you to please stop squirming." The artists says as he works the needles into my skin. It didn't hurt but it was still terrifying to think of.
"Oh don't worry. You'll like it." He replies, not looking up from the countless pictures of women in almost nothing. I roll my eyes at his response before relaxing my shoulders and allowing the man to complete the mysterious marking.
     A few times during the procedure, I would wince a bit at the sudden sting caused by the needle. Like he had said, 20 minutes had passed and he was finally done.
     "Wow, that looks badass." Brian remarks, eyeing the tattoo I wasn't able to see from behind my back. Turning to a mirror, I see a red and black, I don't know, some kind of shape with the word "Queen" in the center.
     I furrow my eyebrows at the ink. "So...what am I like permanently your's now?" I ask, setting my hair back down to cover the fresh tattoo.
     "Oh you were ours from the beginning. We just need it to be permanent is all." He replies, slamming a few bills on the counter. I suddenly remember that he got a tattoo as well.
     "What'd you get?" I ask, motioning down to his now covered arm that his jacket hid. He looks down at me with a small smirk on my face before sliding his sleeve up. I notice the many small tattoos scattered along his arm.
     "Just something small." He replies, pointing to a small red rose next to a series of tally marks.
     "What do those mean?" I ask, pointing my finger to the dash marks indicating the number 6. A sly smile spreads across his lips. He then leans close to my ear so the cashier wouldn't here.
     "Every dash is someone I've killed. I've got 6, Freddie has 6, Rogers got 4, and Johns got 2." He explains as my eyes grow wide in shock. "Oh don't worry, they were either members from another gang or criminals." He adds, allowing my expression to slightly lessen but still remain.
     "Alright, here's you're change."
     "Thanks mate." He replies, grabbing his change and turning towards the exit with me following behind him. I carefully raise my hand and touch the now colored surface of my neck.
     Suddenly, he stops walking and stares ahead at an approaching car. "What the hell are they doing here?" He mutters under his breath as I notice a group of familiar boys riding in a familiar car. "Shhhhhhhhit, get behind me. Cover your face." He orders, pushing me behind him as the car begins to approach us.
     I do as he says and cover my face while hiding behind him. I watch out of the corner of my eye as the car slows down near us. "Fuck, c'mon. Walk faster." He mumbles as I follow his orders.
     "Aye look who it is boys!" The man in the drivers seat who I assumed was Michael announces. 'Oh god oh god, not now!'
     "Fuck off Mike!" Brian yells back as they park right beside us. We continue to walk, faster this time as the all begin to hop out of their car.
     "Oh come on Bri, who's the pretty lady?" A man from behind me asks making me walk closer to Brian. He wraps an arm around me as their footsteps grow louder.
     "I said fuck off." He mutters again, growing more upset every second. I feel a hand grab my arm, pulling me away from Brian unexpectedly.
     "Now what's you're name pretty girl?" Michael asks as I continue to cup my face in my hands. His finger traces my hand, trying to get me to show my face.
     "Don't you touch her Jackson!" Brian demands, pushing him away from me and holding him by the collar. Suddenly, the other boys all surround him, giving him no escape.
     "There are 5 of us and 1 of you Bri. You really wanna pick a fight right now?" Michael chuckles as Brian continued to hold him against the brick building. He looks around rather afraid at all the other boys around him.
     'Oh fuck, what should I do? Should I help him? But I can't show my face. Damn it. Oh fuck it, he needs my help.'
     Pulling my hands away from my face, I march up to the group of boys and push through the crowd. They all watch me puzzlingly as I approach Michael and stare him dead in the eye before punching him straight across the face.
     "Oh fuck!" He groans holding his now bleeding nose while the others try and help him. I take the time to grab Brian's hand and run towards the car with him. "Fools! Don't let her get away!" I hear him yell from behind me before a series of chasing feet was heard from behind us.
     "Jesus Christ, where d'you learn how to punch someone like that?" Brian pants, starting the car and quickly pulling away from the curb. I turn around to find them stranded on the sidewalk with Michael still holding his nose behind them.
     "Didn't have to learn. It was just out of pure rage." I reply, turning back around and rubbing my sore fist. "Wait, aren't you mad?" I ask, afraid he would punish me for getting involved.
     "You kidding? Damn girl, you saved my fucking life! Oh wait til Fred hears about this." He replies in an excited tone before continuing to drive back towards the school. A small smile spreads across my lips at his pride.

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