Chapter 24: Random Chapter

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     I wake up to the familiar sound of my alarm and immediately shoot out of bed. Roger's jacket was still wrapped around me from last night after my shower.
     "God, it feels so nice to be out of those old clothes." I whisper to myself before pulling out a pair of jeans and a lengthy crop top. Fluffing my waves, I take one last look in the mirror before adding my makeup.
     As I apply some mascara, I see the reflection of my jacket sitting on my desk chair. 'Should I? Fuck it.' I think to myself before grabbing the jacket and sliding it over my arms. The word 'Queen' was sewed to the back in white while the black leather contrasted my ivory top.
     Throwing Rogers jacket in my bag, I grab my things and race downstairs where my parents were.
     "Morning darling. Heard you got home late last night." My mother greets me as I quickly grab an apple and take a seat at the table.
     "Yeah, I was staying at a friend's house." I explain seeing my dad look up from his newspaper at me. Rolling my eyes at him, I continue to eat my apple while gazing out the window for a familiar car to come pick me up.
     "Hm, where'd you get the jacket?" She asks, setting a glass of water in front of me.
     "A boy at my school did. We're becoming pretty good friends." I explain while twisting my pinkie ring that I've had forever.
     "Oh, he should come over sometime. Don't you think dear?" She asks my silent father who had been shooting me glares ever since I got down here. Suddenly, a honk of a horn is heard from outside, signaling my departure.
     "That's my ride. I might come home late again. Bye." I excuse myself before tossing the apple in the trash, taking my bag, and leaving the house.
     "There's our girl!" Freddie calls to me as I hurry across the driveway to the awaiting car. Hopping in, I am immediately greeted by Brian and Roger in the back.
     "Hey Taylor, here's your jacket." I say, grabbing the clothing from the bag and tossing it to him.
     "Jacket looks good on you, darling." Freddie says from the front and flashing me a smile through the rear view mirror.
     "How'd you have an extra anyways?" I ask, hanging my hand out over the door as Brian wraps his arm around me. I didn't mind though, I fancied him just as much as Roger.
     "We had a fifth member, Paul McCartney, but he left us for this other gang called the Beatles. Long story short, he spilled a bunch of our secrets to them so we killed all 4 of them." He chuckles, the others nodding in remembrance.
     We park in the usual spot and all make our way into the school building. "Don't mind the stares." Roger whispers and wraps his arm around me as we walked by people. Whispers were heard and glances were exchanged as the 5 of us strut down the hallway towards our lockers which were a whole hallway away from me.
     "I'll see you in a sec." I say to him before pecking his lips and going the opposite direction to my locker. Peoples eyes were all I saw as I made my way to my locker.
     "Hey!" Lucy says, standing next to me as I twist the lock on my locker. "What d'you think you're doing? Where did you get this?" She asks, stroking the leather jacket hanging on my shoulders.
     "I joined their gang. They asked me, I said yes." I reply, gathering all my books for the first two periods.
     "You're mad." She says, crossing her arms and leaning back against the other lockers. "Rumor has it that Diana Jackson was found for the first time in years. Can you believe that? She just shows up without any explanation."
     I purse my lips at my words before turning to her and heaving a sigh. "Yeah, crazy. I found out that my father is the best gangster in London and my brother is Michael Jackson. I also had a name change when I was young so..." I pause, her eyes wide with confusion. "I'm Diana Jackson, nice to meet you." I say before walking towards the classroom where the boys were waiting for me.
     "El wait..." I hear her say but continue my walk until I was reunited with Roger.


     We all walked to lunch and sat down at their table. "So, how's Michael doing?" I ask, taking a seat next to Roger.
     "He talked a bit this morning but other then that, he's got nothing to spill. Well, at least to me." John replies, poking at his food.
     "I'll talk to him. I'm probably the only one he wants to talk to." I reply, resting my my head on my propped up elbow. "What d'you want out of him anyways?"
     "Anything really. The main priority is to take and conquer as much territory as possible." Brian replies, secretly opening a can of beer and taking a sip from it.
"Oh Ana, remind me to tell you the rules when we get to the house." Freddie muffles, his mouth filled with chips. We all crack a small laugh at his action.
"Will do Mr. Mercury. Will do."


The day ended faster then expected. I didn't get too much smack from people which was also a relief. I'm also pretty sure that Lucy was mad at me but I didn't care, I had a new group of friends.
We had just pulled into the driveway when Roger unexpectedly kisses me. "What was that for?" I chuckle, breaking the kiss and gazing into his desire filled eyes.
"I just need" He growls, quickly getting out of the car and darting into the house. I just laugh at his behavior before following him in.
Immediately as I set down my bag, I'm slammed against the wall with his lips attached to mine in a loving kiss.
"Good god, get a room you two." John groans allowing Roger to pick me up and carry me to his room where it all happened again.

I Want To Break Free [Completed] {Queen as a Gang}Where stories live. Discover now