Chapter 22: First Kill

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"Is that even legal?" I ask in shock to Freddie's response.
"Of course not! C'mon, we've all done it and you're the best gangster in the world, you can do it." He replies while the others watched television.
"You want kill someone and tattoo it to my arm then vandalize a bridge?" I repeat his instructions resulting in him nodding in approval. "Who do want me to kill?"
"Well if you want to look badass while doing it, I'd say someone from the gang east of us but if you wanna..."
"Okay. Give me a name and location." I cut him off, wanting nothing more then to be in their gang. A smile spreads across his lips at my enthusiasm.
"Walker Hudson. Scrawny kid who lives on Clay street east of us. Big, blue house is where their gang lives. You wanna get to him, you gotta get passed Snake."
"Who's that?" I ask, allowing Brian to turn around and respond.
"He's their leader. There are 8 of them and Walker has Roger's job in their gang." He replies as I nod my head in understanding.
"Wonderful. I'll see you all in about an hour." I say standing up and making my way towards the door.
"You're doing it now?" Freddie asks, standing up and crossing his arms in confusion.
"Yeah, of course. Why, you wanna come?" I ask, placing my hands on my hips and smirking at him.
"Hell yeah! C'mon boys, Roger put a shirt on. I don't wanna deal with a sick kid in my house." He orders the blonde who gets up and retrieves his jacket from his room.
"C'mon Brian, it'll be fun." I assure him allowing him to suddenly become full of energy and take a stance next to me.
"Right, lets go."


"Now here's the thing, you can either find your way in through the..."
"Freddie, I got this." I say, cutting him off as I hop out of the car parked in a dark alleyway. "Knife." I ask, holding out my hand before one is placed in it.
"Don't die." Roger whispers, as I walk away from the car and towards the house. I had a plan already in my head as I headed closer and closer to the house.
Approaching the door, I take out a tube of red lipstick before applying it to my lips. I then knock on the door and wait for an answer. Yelling and shuffling is heard from within the house before someone answers the door.
"Who the hell are you?" A man with green hair and a cigarette between his lips mutters.
"I have a message for Walker Hudson." I lie, batting my eyelashes at him. He nods his head before yelling inside the house for the victim. Finally, a blonde boy comes out and eyes me oddly.
     "Who are you?" He asks, closing the door behind him and crossing his arms in front of his chest.
     "Well..." I start, slowly approaching him so I was only a few inches away from touching him. "The public knows me as Diana but you can call me Ana."
     "'re," but before he could finish his sentence, I take the knife out and swiftly slice his throat. He begins to cough blood before sitting down and finally choking to death.
     Before leaving, I quickly peck a kiss on his cheek, leaving a red outline before racing back to the car. "Holy shit!" Freddie exclaims as I crawl in back with Brian and John.
     "Go go go." I laugh, handing the knife back to Brian, who lent it to me in the first place. "Good god, Freddie." I laugh loudly, as he struggles to start the vehicle.
"That was incredible. How did you do that so nicely?" Brian asks as I wipe some access blood on my old jeans.
"Oh it wasn't too hard." I reply, getting all up in his face before planting a small kiss on his lips. "Maybe I can teach someday." I whisper followed by a wink.
"Maybe you can, my dear." He replies, placing a kiss on my forehead as we speed down the street towards the tattoo parlor.
"Alright mates, Ana here is gonna get her first tally mark." Freddie announces as we stop at the tattoo parlor and file out.
"Hmm, that felt good. I was made for this wasn't I?" I say, entering the parlor to find it free of costumers.
"You sure were, Diana." Roger replies, placing a sweet kiss on my lips.
"We need a tally as soon as possible!" Freddie demands the clerk who happened to be the same one from last time I got the first tattoo.
"Who'd you kill this time, Fred?" He chuckles, going over to the machine and choosing a black ink for the pen.
"Oh not me. Our new member, Diana here, did." He replies allowing the man's smile to drop and his color drain from his face. I walk over to the chair before taking a seat as he continued to eye me.
"Diana Jackson?" He asks, his voice shaky with fear. I just smile at his foolishness before replying.
"The one and only."
"Damn, what'd you do to get her to join your gang?" He asks, as I lay my bare wrist out to be inked.
"We didn't do shit, she chose us." He replies, sliming pridefully at me as the man draws one straight, black line on my wrist.
"That's it? Nothing for you guys?" He asks, putting away the pen and wiping the little bit of blood from my wrist.
"Not enough time, although I'll be getting one soon." Roger replies as I go over to him and flashing my new tattoo.
"Before you know it, I'll have more then you." I whisper, tracing the ones on his arms resulting in him slightly jolting at the touch. "Don't you worry, when we get home...I'm all yours."
     His breathing hitches at my words before shaking his head and smirking at me. "You naughty girl." He whispers as the others begin to leave the shop.
     "Right, to the bridge." Freddie announces, climbing into the car and starting it up. Then, something hit me.
     "Wait...what about Michael? We left him at the house." I ask John who was with him last.
     "Yeah, he's not waking up anything soon. I injected him with heroine."
     "Heroine? Deaky where did you have the money to buy heroine?" Brian asks only making John stay quiet. "Right...just get in the car." He demands the quiet member who does as he says.
     "So, where's this bridge at anyways?" I ask, as Brian takes a seat next to me and Freddie begins to drive.
     "It's a ways out of London in this forest where trains usually pass through while carrying cargo. The bridge is abandoned and sits over a river about 80 feet above. There, you'll do what we did to get in." Roger explains from the front seat. They all nod their head at his description while I was trying to process it all.
     "Sounds like a blast." I reply sarcastically.
     "Main thing is to just not fall." Freddie replies making me grow a bit more nervous.

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