Chapter 20: Escape

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     "If what you're saying is true, I'm only your half sister. Meaning, I don't have to do anything with you. Um, I'd rather stay with the Queens who actually treat me somewhat okay and don't lie to me about everything."
     "But they did lie to you. Didn't they say that you were going to be used for the list? That was a lie. I added to the contract we signed that whoever finds Eleanor Jones, wins the bet and owns the lot. They found you first and lied to you from the beginning." He says, cutting me off and staring into my corrupted eyes. I begin to choke on my words a bit as I realized he was somewhat right.
     "It doesn't matter. They...they care about me..."
     "Do they? Do they really care about you? They treated you like shit and you let them. You can't even fall in love with one of them without having some stupid rules in your way." He interrupts, his voice getting louder and more frustrated.
     " do you know about that..."
     "Darling, I am one of the best and most clever gang leaders in England. I know everything." He explains, crossing his arms and cocking an eyebrow my way.
"What is it you want? You have me. What's next for you?" I ask in a low, slightly shaky tone. A small smile spreads across his face before replying.
     "Well, now that you're back with me, I want the two of us to team up and kill our father for what he's done to us." He replies in a serious voice, his body tensing up at the topic. I bow my head in fear of his anger.
     "I was just told, today, that you were my brother. Well, half brother, and you want me to kill my dad? Yeah, he's a bit protective at times but I don't wanna..."
     "He's brought nothing but pain to you and your mother!" He interrupts me once again almost bringing me to tears at his anger. 'I wish Roger was here right now...' "and wether you like it or not, you're coming with us and you're going to stay with us because you are a Jackson and will always be one."
     "No! I'm nothing like you! I wish I've never even known you were my bloody brother because you sir, are the most horrible person I've ever met! Yes, they've done some not so pleasant things to me but they still care about me and I care about them. Now if you'd excuse me, if you could undo these bands, I'll be able to go back to them!" I demand, wiggling my arms in the tight bounds, showing him how tight they actually were. Here's the thing though, they weren't actually that tight. I could easily slip through them right now if I could.
     "Ha, yeah not happening sis. You're gonna stay right here until you learn to cooperate with me." He chuckles, standing up and turning around before slowly making his way to, I was guessing, the exit.
As soon as he had turned his back, I had slipped out of the chair and stood against the wall where it was so dark, he wouldn't be able to see me. I went close enough that I was only a few feet away from the exit.
Just as he went through the door, I made sure to catch the handle before it locked. 'Bingo.' It was a house. Not a big house, but it sure was nicer than Queen's. He goes down the stairs before me, leaving the hallway deserted once more.
     I window stood at the opposite end of the hall. Hurrying over to it, I notice the only way down we're to be if I carefully jumped to the small roof before jumping off from there. A con for this plan though, it was raining, hard.
     "Shit..." I whisper to myself, taking a deep breath and slowly opening the window before climbing out of it. My hair blew in the rainy wind as I carefully set my feet on the gutter.
     "Don't break don't break don't break." I mumble, looking down at the smaller roof. "This is a terrible idea."
     "Hey! Mike! She's getting away!" I hear someone shout behind me, allowing me to jump quicker than expected. Landing on the roof, I look up to see two heads looking down at me, one being Michael's.
     "Go outside. Hurry!" He orders Jackie who quickly does as he says. 'Shit, I gotta go.' Looking down, I hop off the small room to the grassy yard. The whole yard was fenced about 5 feet tall meaning I would have to climb over.
     "Hey! Get back here!" I hear a voice yell behind me as I dart to the fence before climbing to the top and jumping over. "Tito! Get in the car!" He yells to his partner before going the opposite way to the car.
     I took the time to run across the street and down the sidewalk. I had no idea where I was or where I was going but I knew one thing, don't stop running.
     In less then 30 seconds though, the car was chasing me. This was a run down part of the neighborhood too so if someone saw me, they probably wouldn't care.
     "You can't run forever, Diana!" I hear Michael yell behind me as I car nearer closer and closer. The rain was making the sidewalk harder to run on and before I knew it, I had fallen and scrapped my entire knee and elbow. My cheek had also caught a small scratch from the rocks.
     The car had pulled over to where I was down before the all jump out and race towards me. As they did though, I got the courage to stand up and face them.
     "Give up princess, you can't escape us." Michael chuckles as they all gather around him, forming a semi circle around me. I back away and looked around for something I could use to fight back with. Then I notice something: a gun, in the pocket of Michaels belt. 'Time to act.'
     "Okay okay, you got me" I lie, raising my hands and slowly approaching Michael. "I should've known I couldn't escape you my dear brother." I pretend to pout as I stand only a foot away from him. A small smile spreads across his face at my words.
     "That's the sister I know." He replies, brushing a piece of dripping brunette behind my ear.
"I don't think so Mr. Jackson..." I whisper as he pulls a confused expression. Then, with a flick of my wrist, I grab his gun, kick him in his groin, and wrap my arm around his neck from behind.
"Wow wow, easy there." Tito says, stepping back and holding his hands up as I hold the gun right next to his head.
"You move, he dies. Got it?" I instruct, holding his neck tightly with my arm as I begin to step back away from them. "And you Micheal, you disobey, I'll shoot you without hesitation."
"No you won't." He mutters as I reach the car and open the drivers door.
"Don't test me." I reply, shoving him in the passengers seat and slamming my foot on the gas petal. My hand was on the steering wheel while my other was holding the gun pointing to Michael.
We drove out of that neighborhood and towards downtown London. Signs sure help nowadays.
"When we get there, you are to shape up and do as they say." I demand, continuing to hold the gun at him. He lets out a chuckle at my words before sitting up straight and pulling another out from the side door.
"Look who's scared now?"

I Want To Break Free [Completed] {Queen as a Gang}Where stories live. Discover now