Chapter 13: Sleepover

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"I know but dad you don't understand..."
I'm interrupted by a hard grasp on my arm and an angry looking father. "I understand very well Eleanor. If you don't listen, you're going to get hurt." He mutters motioning to the boys who are now all staring at us from the car.
"Let me go..." I mumble, trying to release myself from his grasp. "Daddy, you're hurting me." I whimper in pain.
"Get inside. We need to have a talk." He orders, pointing to the door with his free hand. I look over to the boys all standing up in the dark and exchanging confused looks with each other.
"" I whisper, looking back at his stern glare.
"What did you just say?" He asks, holding me tighter.
"I said, no!" I yell, yanking my arm from his grasp and running on the driveway towards the car.
"Eleanor Marie Jones! You get back inside this instant!" He yells back as I swing the car door open and take a seat in between Brian and Roger.
     "Freddie drive!" I demand, leaning back in my seat and holding myself in a hug while Brian and Roger wrapped an arm around me. The leader slams the petal before my father could reach the car. Tears begin to build up in my eyes at the thought of what my dad just did to me.
     "Um, what the hell just happened?" John asks, turning around in his seat to face me silently crying to myself.
     "My stupid father." I reply wiping away my fallen tears. "I can't believe he has the guts to grab my like that." I mutter, rubbing my sore arm that was bound to bruise. That's how hard he grabbed me.
     "I'm sorry love." Roger whispers in my ear, sending jolts of electricity to run through my veins. I feel a kiss being pressed against my temple on the opposite side of Roger where Brian sat.
     I don't look at either of them. I keep staring down at my hands cupped in my lap.  My hands slightly shook as well as the rest of my body. 'What am I gonna do?'
     "So, um, you can stay with me and the boys tonight...if you want." Freddie says nervously from the front, afraid of what to say in the heated situation.
"Sure, thank you Freddie." I mumble, wiping another tear that had fallen onto my heated cheeks. We pull up to the house I was at the first night I was put on the list.
Getting out of the car, I take the time to actually see where I was. It was an unfamiliar neighborhood, a bit more rundown than the others. I also noticed the outside of the house was vandalized and beat up.
I follow them into the house, Roger staying behind and walking beside me. The house was just as I remember it. Although it was somewhat trashed, it was still comfortable looking. 'Who's house is this anyways?'
"Shit, I just realized we only got 4 rooms." Freddie sighs, kicking off his shoes and putting his hand on his hips. He then turns around to face the rest of us. "Alright, who's gonna share their room with her?" He sighs as Roger and Brian shoot their hands up. John just rolls his eyes at the behavior before going up the staircase to I guess was his room. "Right, Roger your hand was first. Good night. Don't fuck her."
"Fuck you, I wasn't gonna." He snaps back, taking my hand and leading me to the room where I had first encountered sexual activity with him. He then proceeds to close the door and dim the lights to the pretty pink I actually fancied. "So uh, you can pick either side. I don't particularly care." He says, sliding his jacket off and tossing it on the nearby chair.
     "I don't either." I reply, taking a seat on the edge of the bed and setting my purse down near the nightstand. He begins to unbutton his shirt underneath before taking it completely off, leaving him only in his jeans. A large angel wing was tattooed to the upper right side of his chest, covering most of his shoulder. My cheeks grow red at the sight.
     He lights himself a cigarette before going on the other side of the bed and laying down on top of the neatly placed covers. I catch a glimpse of a clock reading 12:39 making me feel even more tired.
     Breathing a heavy sigh, I decide to throw my legs over and lay down next to him. The smell of smoke hangs in the air, making the surrounding pink fuzzy. Turning my head to face him, he continues looking up at the ceiling with the cigarette between his lips before turning his as well.
     I show a small smile before my eyes lie on the few tattoos on his upper arm. There was a crown, a date, and a heart with his name in it. 'Why am I not surprised?'
     "What's the date mean?" I ask, raising my hand and tracing the numbers with the tip of my nail. He flashes a small smile at the touch before responding.
     "The day I joined Queen. Almost 4 years ago when we were all Freshman. Freddie started it than got the three of us into it. Must've been 15. at the time. Was only 16 when I killed my first victim." He explains pointing the his opposite wrist with the tally marks on them.
     "Why'd you join? Didn't your parents know?" I ask, his body tensing up at the word parents. 'Shit, wrong question.'
     "My parents...abandoned me when I was around 8. My grandparents were the ones that took care of me until freshman year when they both died." He mumbles blowing a cloud of smoke from his lungs into the dense air. "It doesn't matter though. Happened too long ago to recall." He adds, pulling a stern look but still gazing deep into my eyes.
     "I'm so sorry Roger..." I whisper, gently brushing a piece of blonde from his perfectly framed face. He quickly cracks a small smile before returning to his previous expression.
     His eyes flicker between my lips and my eyes. I couldn't help but do the same. His lips were only inches from mine. I could already smell the cigarette and cologne scent from his breath. Yeah, we've kissed before but it wasn't a real kiss. It was more forced than real.
     Before another thought could even pop into my head, he leans in and crashes his lips onto mine. The soft feel of his lips felt so natural.
     His free hand grasped my waist, pulling me closer to him. Our lips continued to smack against each other as he pulls me on top of him. My hands caress his hair while his hand continued to hold my waist up against him.
Although I've never had sex before, this felt fucking great.
I suddenly feel the need to part for air, allowing the session to stop. Our fast breathing is the only thing heard in the room while I straddled right above his front. He reaches over and burns the cigarette in the ashtray before looking back into my eyes.
"Y'know," I start, pushing a piece of blonde away from his beautiful blue eyes. "the first time I met you all, you were the one I laid eyes on." I whisper, tracing his face with my nail.
"Oh fuck, I knew you were the one from the start babygirl. The one that would end up stealing my heart." He replies cupping my face as stroking one side with his thumb. "You're my fucking everything."

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