Chapter 16: Argument

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     Roger lets out a deep exhale before marching off to his room and slamming the door like a child. 'Oh Roger.'
     "You didn't have to say it to him like that." I snap at Freddie who was halfway up the stairs before stopping and turning around to face me.
     "I'm sorry but last I checked dear, you weren't allowed to talk back, especially to me." He replies in a low tone, slowly making his way back down the stairs towards me.
     "You''re too hard on him." I stutter, beginning to feel a bit uneasy at his sudden mood change. 'Oh shit El, look whatcha got yourself into.'
     He stops in front of me, with his arms crossed and his eyebrow cocked. "Darling you have no idea what he's been through. I'm not going hard on him. I'm teaching him and he has to know who to follow and when to listen. He's tough, he can fight his own fights without having his little slut defending him." He mutters, the smell of alcohol coming from his angered breath. I press my lips together at the word 'slut.'
     "What is it you want...Freddie? Why do you seem to care about me more than your other little, oh what's the word...sluts?" I ask, crossing my arms and popping one hip out. I wasn't afraid of him. I knew I mattered to him.
     With one swift motion, he pulls out his pocket knife from his jacket and angles it at my throat. "Don't be smart with my dear. I can kill you instantly." He mutters, pressing the blade harder against my skin but not breaking it.
     "But you won't...because for some reason, I'm important to you. Why?" I ask again, piercing my eyes in his. His expression was far worse than angry. He was pissed.
     Taking a few more heavy breaths, he sighs before pulling the knife away and shoving it back in his pocket. He then proceeds to lean in close to my ear before whispering something.
     "Don't take that as an advantage to you. I still own you and have more power then you ever will." He mutters before storming off back up the stairs. I smile in satisfaction at my victory before remembering the, also angry, blonde.
     Racing over to his room, I slowly turn the knob before creaking it open. As I open the door, I see him laying down on his bed with a cigarette lit between his kissable lips.
     "You shouldn't be here, Cheryl'll be here soon." He mutters, blowing a puff of smoke into the thick air. I shake my head at his words before closing the door and taking a seat next to him.
     "You alright?" I ask, ignoring his statement and smiling down at him sympathetically. He turns his head to face me, only to blow a cloud in my face.
     "Not really. Not only did I have to take a fucking pill to feel horny right now, looking at you makes me want to fuck you instead." He groans, heaving a sigh and placing the cigarette back in between his lips.
     "How flattering." I reply sarcastically while shooting him a jokingly smile. "Maybe..." I start, leaning over and placing a hand on the other side of him so I was hovering directly over his face. "When you're done, and I'm high after smoking with Freddie, we can..." I say, looking down at his erect boner and biting my lip seductively. "fix that." I finish cracking a smile at his sudden rapidness in breath.
     Without warning, he quickly pulls the cigarette from his mouth and sits up, crashing his lips onto mine. Our lips move rhythmically together as the smell of smoke hangs in the air, making the moment more memorable.
"With that talk, I'll fuck you harder than I've ever fucked anyone." He growls, his kisses becoming more intense and sloppier.
"I bet you will pretty boy. But in the meantime," I pause, breaking the kiss and crawling out of bed. "You've got a guest waiting for you." I say with a wink as he rolls his eyes at my words. "Have fun." I whisper sarcastically before exiting his room and taking a seat on the couch. God, I was already to have my alone time with him.
Suddenly, the door swings open to reveal a tall blonde who wore too much clothing and make up for a hook up session. Brian points to Rogers room before she struts over there, glaring at me as she does.
"Hey baby," I hear her say before closing the door behind her. Not wanting to hear them fuck, I get up and wander up the stairs and down the hall to, I was hoping, Freddie's room. Opening the door, I find him laying in bed with a bottle of vodka in his hand. He looks at me with confusion and anger still in his expression.
"Wanna get high?"I ask allowing his expression to fade into a wide smirk before sitting up and chugging the rest of the bottle.
"You. Wanna get high?" He repeats as if I wasn't serious. His smile shortly breaks into a chuckles before chucking the bottle on the floor.
"Well you were gonna get me high one of these days. Why not now?" I reply, leaning against the door frame and pulling a small smile.
"Have you ever even had a line of coke?" He asks, raising his eyebrows my way.
"You'd be surprised what I've done over the years Freddie Mercury."
"Alright. Lets go." He says, reaching over to his nightstand and pulling out a small sack of white powder. I take a deep breath before going over to him as he lays out the lines.

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