Chapter 3: List

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My eyes widen at his words but return back to normal at the stupid thought. "Says who?" I reply as Freddie circled me with a stern look on his face.
"Says me," He says before motioning the boys to me. I shoot them a confused expression before I was quickly grabbed by the arms and dragged to within the alley. I was then held up against the wall by the brown and curly haired.
"Jesus, let me go," I mutter as Freddie approaches me with pride in his eyes and a small smirk on his face. "I'm no use to you."
"Oh but my dear, you truly are." He says running a finger down the side of my face, tracing my jawline. "We just need to fix your attitude." He says before stepping away, allowing the blonde to approach me this time.
"I don't think we've actually met." He starts with a small smirk painted across his face before flipping the collar of his jacket to reveal a tattoo. I had to squint to actually read the name Roger in cursive. "Nice to meet you babe." He says before grabbing my wrist and forcefully pressing the end of his cigarette against my sensitive skin.
"Ow! What the hell!" I shout before he takes the cigarette off and puts it back in his mouth. I look down a the small burnt spot on my wrist that was sure to scar later.
"First we need to set a few ground rules." He starts blowing a cloud of smoke into the air while the other two continued to press me up against the brick wall. "One, no talking back or swearing."
"Why do you need me anyways?" I cut him off allowing his smirk to fade. Swiftly, he pulls out his pocket knife and holds it up against my neck. I almost didn't see him do it he did it so fast.
"What did I fucking just say babygirl?" He whispers in my ear while the others quietly chuckled.
"Right, no talking back." I mumble feeling the edge of the blade press against my skin. A small smile appears on his face before folding and placing the knife back in his pocket.
"Good girl. Now rule number two: you always take orders from us, even in public. If you don't, you gonna end up with them other bitches that said no to us." He replies, not being specific with anything he was saying. I swallow hard at his little description.
"Rule three: I'm the fun one. So if I tell you to get in bed with me... you fucking do it. Drugs are with Freddie, vandalism with John, and you get to do a bunch of surprises with Brian." He explains as the color drains from my face.
"Rule four: you get to tell no one of this because it'll just end bad for you. Believe me darling, the girls that tried to escape from us, they didn't make it out alive." He says with chuckle before blowing another cloud of smoke in my face.
My face was not only red, it was trembling in fear. Fear of what could happen to me if I broke any of these. I nod in response allowing him to smile again.
"Oh yeah, you are absolutely perfect." He whispers, gently pushing a piece of my hair back. I slightly shiver as his touch, my arms beginning to hurt from all the pressure being put on them.
"F..for what?" I ask wincing back in case he threatened me again.
"For the list of course. And our ego but besides that, we have a lovely time doing it." He says shooting a wink at me, allowing me to grow incredibly uncomfortable.
"This is insane. I'm not doing anything with y..."
"Roger, car." Freddie mutters pressing up against the wall of the alley while Roger hovered over me, blocking my view from anyone who was passing.
They all watch as the headlights race pass them for only a second before returning to their original positions. "I'm not doing any of these things with you. Let me go already." I mumble as he eyed me with raised eyebrows before turning towards Freddie. He pulled a stern expression on his face before nodding once. That signal allowed them all to pounce on me, covering my mouth and binding my hands behind my back.
"What're you..." but before I could finish my sentence, I feel the tip of a knife on my lower back allowing me to shut up.
"Put her in the back." He mutters as the three manage to grab ahold of me before throwing me in the back of the convertible. Roger pulls the hood on, making myself hidden from the rest of the world. They all climb in the car as the curly haired boy continued to hold me and my mouth shut.
"We'll go to the house." Freddie mutters while Roger started the car and sped down the street. My vision is lost as a hand covers my eyes, making sure I don't see where this house is located.
     As we drive down the road, I try my best to memorize all the turns but end up forgetting and mixing them all up so I just sit back as they all jammed to loud music. Cigarette smoke filled the air as well as the heavy smell of liquor.
     The car finally pulled to a hard stop as I was thrown over someone's shoulder and carried into some sort of house. By the smell, I could already tell it was an old, messy house as we entered.
     I look around at the rather normal looking living room with beer bottles and cigarettes spread all over the place. The windows were boarded up and there was even a show case of guns and other dangerous objects.
     I continue to hang from the shoulder from one of the boys as they all huddle and talk quietly to each other.
     "Who gets the first pick?" One whispers as I try and eavesdrop on their conversation.
     "Well you went first last time."
     "No that was John with that one girl, Veronica. It's supposed to be my turn."
     "But we have to be extra careful with this one. She's not like the others."
     "Right, but it's still my turn and I've been craving some activity for awhile."
     "You literally slept with that one bitch two nights ago!"
     "Yeah but then the cycle continued and now its back to me remember?"
     "Whatever, she's all yours."
     That last line made my heart sink just before I was thrown down on the couch to meet all of their eyes. Roger smiled before grabbing my wrist and pulling me across the room towards another room.
     I was then thrown on a bed while he shut and locked the door. There were posters all over the room of only women, but some of him. The wallpaper was slowly beginning to rip on one side of the wall. A box labeled "toys" say on a night stand with a drawer under it.
     The room was dimmed into a sorta pink tint. 'Damn it, I knew I shouldn't have worn a visible shirt today. It was all making him horny which was making me feel really uncomfortable.'
     "You ready love?" He asks dimming the lights even more, allowing him to be harder to see.
     'Oh fuck...'

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